Here I Am

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A/N: I've gotten Hogwarts Legacy! Looking forward to playing it, if any one has as game secrets let me know xxx

"Still want to do this?" Fred asks as the young couple set up a multitude of anti-thieving wards on Ollivanders, only those that intend to pay for what they're taking from the shop will get past the barrier. Their name will be added to Ollivanders' sales book, keeping track of what wands were sold while he was imprisoned. "Definitely, I need to update my wand info for access to my vaults for after the war anyways." Mikayla answered that she merely wanted to walk through Diagon Alley to run a simple errand that she didn't need to do since her vaults are empty. The young couple saw it best for them to just appear in the middle of main street instead of being seen walking out of Ollivanders, it wouldn't be much of a power play if they seemed to be sneaking around.

Mikayla and Fred apparated outside of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, not that they would recognise it as the same place since they were last there. Diagon Alley has lost everything that made it feel full of life and magic, all the colourful, glittering window displays were now covered by planks of wood. There was no more spell books, potion ingredients, robes and cauldrons left in sight, the boards protecting the abandoned shops from being looted were covered by wanted and missing posters plastered all over them. Mikayla's pointed out her own wanted poster to Fred, seeing that the money had gone up another five thousand galleons, "this is really stupid, Mia." Fred whispered as the pair began their journey to Gringotts, "too late to back out now."

The young couple walked down the cobbled street, there wasn't a soul in sight, a lot of the shops had been replaced by those advocating for the Dark Arts and selling cursed objects. The freezing breeze provided no comfort for the couple as they continued down the eerily bare street. Mikayla felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise, out of the corner of her eye, she could see people watching them from the window of one of the Dark Art shop. "We don't have long, Freddie. We've been noticed." Mikayla mumbled to her boyfriend, turning towards their shadowy stalkers and sending them a wave before they reach the marble stairs that leads to the bronze doors of Gringotts' Bank.

"This is a lot more trouble than I expected us to come across." Fred quietly muttered to Mikayla, as they noticed that the two liveried goblins that had previously flanked the entrance had been replaced by two wizards, both of them were clutching long thin golden rods. Mikayla didn't show the fear that filled her brain at the sight of the wizards with the Probity Probes, they weren't doing anything suspicious, and she hoped that they would be too afraid of her to even attempt to attack her or stop her from entering the bank. Her head held high as she nodded at each of the wizards, letting go of Fred's hand to step forward as they both raised the golden rods, one in front of her and the other behind her.

They passed the rods up and down her body, eyes widening in surprise as Mikayla was confirmed to be herself. She smiled gently at them, stepping out of the way, right up to the doors while waiting for Fred's security check to finish. Fred smirked at her as he was cleared, the pair grabbing a hold of each other's hand once again before stepping through the bronze doors. They passed the thieves' warning poem that was held by two silver goblins before the inner door, not wanting to waste any more time than they needed, entering the vast marble hall of the bank.

The interior of the bank had gone unchanged, there was still a long counter manned by around a hundred Goblins sitting on high stools serving the first few customers of the day. The doors behind the couple close, every being inside the hall turning to stare at the new arrivals, Mikayla and Fred walked down the centre of the room, ignoring the whispers that echoed after them. Mikayla saw someone point their wand in her and Fred's direction, quickly clicking her fingers and disarming them, Fred catching their wand as it barrelled towards them. "Don't be stupid." Mikayla told the older man as Fred handed him back his wand once they reached him, before stepping up the counter of the Head Goblin next to him.

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