Alerts and Answers

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I hope I didn't overstep by placing a wreath on your parents grave. I wanted to send you a message subtly, and this way I could pay my respects and pass on information.
Order hasn't been as busy lately, Death Eaters seem to have decided that it's too cold for them to do daily attack. Which means I've been locked up in the Manor for the past few weeks and trying to find anything to do with the stuff Dumbledore left me.
I haven't seen anything, there seems to be a block on the traces of magic left behind on the key. But I can sense that the magic is dark and metallically, it feels like a variation of the locket. I think the key might unlock a door or something that is protecting another Horcrux.
I have no clue how Dumbledore got this key or why he didn't destroy the Horcrux that it's keeping hidden. I contacted him through my mediumship abilities but he just kept talking in code and quoting that poem my mother used to read to me that I told you about. Maybe you and Hermione might be able to help me out, it's called Crown by Charles Sangster, it's in Sonnets of a Sorcerer, Hermione should have a copy of it in her bag.
In other news, Fred was hurt during the last Order rescue mission. Bellatrix just about missed his heart with a sectumsempra curse. He's okay, I healed him the second he arrived at the Manor. He'll have a few scattered faded scars left behind, but that's it. He's sleeping now, exhausted from all the work his body did to heal.
I wasn't there when it happened, as you know I promised him that I'd only save everyone once (except family). But now I realise why you all were always begging me to take care of myself first and stop being a Martyr. I've never been so scared in my life, there was so much blood, but I held it together and focused on making him better.
The attack was on a girl named Julie Parkes, she's the youngest we've lost, only fifteen. She's buried in Godric's Hollow, you might've seen her grave. She was a beautiful and brilliant girl. She told me that she believed that I gave her hope that the future would be safe for her. I feel like I failed her.
There's also some good news here, Kingsley's got himself a girlfriend and hopefully soon a fiancé. You remember my tutor Penelope Marshbanks, she's was heavily involved in the Order before you left. She was there when I got my N.E.W.Ts. They've been secretly dating since September, and Kingsley plans to propose Christmas night. I've given him a ring, his money is tight right now preparing for the baby to arrive in late February. It was the ring my dad proposed to my mum with after I was born and before everything else happened. I think they'll be happy that it has found a new love to serve, don't you?
Fred and I are having a Christmas dinner party, I would've loved for you both to be here, but that can't happen. Christmas doesn't feel the same with you two, I haven't even decorated the house yet. I'm saving that for Christmas Eve, because if I don't do it last minute it'll be way too over the top. I'll make sure to send you a big feast as well to celebrate this amazing holiday, and a picture of everyone to keep you company when you feel alone.
I love you both, and miss you more than you'll ever realise. I won't be able to meet up with you on the 2nd of January. Order business. But I promise that I'll see you at lunchtime on the 3rd.
Chin up, brother, look out for each other and be careful. These days looks can be deceiving, the snakes disguised as allies, watch out for the silent types.
Love From,
Mikayla x

Hermione took a hold of Harry's hand once again as they read the letter together. Hermione gasping as she read that Fred had been injured, and the pair sharing a smile when they read that Kingsley and Penelope have started seeing each other. They were happy people were still finding love and hope when everything felt so heavy and hopeless. Harry stared down at the wreath, wishing he had thought of bringing something with him. Hermione seemingly reading his thoughts raised her wand and moved it in a circle through the air, a Christmas rose wreath appeared in front of them.

Harry quickly caught the wreath, placing it next to the one Mikayla left. He didn't understand why Mikayla thought he'd be upset, the wreath was beautiful and represented both of his parents as one. Maybe she thought he'd not like her using it as a way to leave him a letter, but the letter brought him some comfort. Hearing how everyone was doing, and Mikayla was asking them for help to figure out her clue from Dumbledore. While subtly telling them that she isn't actively in danger every day now, because the Death Eaters have cut back on attacks.

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