Return of the Roberts

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CW: Reference to SA

The next day, Mikayla arrived at Dartmoor Caravan Park and Campsite looking nothing like the girl who has been widely featured in Muggle and Magical news outlets over the last year. "Name?" Mrs Roberts enquired as Mikayla walked up to the new caravan park's little check-in shack, which covered half of the large field that had been a bring-your-own-tents campground. "Alina Weasley, we spoke on the phone yesterday about The Hideaway Lux." Mikayla would need to transform into Alina Weasley whenever she had to go into the Muggle World because Muggle authorities had officially begun a manhunt for her across Great Britain.

Alina had almond-shaped jade green eyes, a softly curled copper bob, and a lovely round button nose covered with freckles. Because of her younger self's intense desire to seem as skinny as possible in front of her step-father and aunt, Mikayla always wore form-fitting clothing, which is why her alter-ego Alina liked to wear loose, casual attire. Mikayla appreciated switching things up a bit today and could potentially be influenced more by teen magazines after the war. She was wearing a number of items that she had never worn before but had seen on quite a few of Muggle Models in teen magazines.

Mikayla wore an oversized navy blue David Bowie 1974 Tour T-shirt that had belonged to her Dad, a black eclipse jeans, a baby blue bomber jacket that matched part of the graphic on the Bowie shirt, and black platform Doc Martens with baby blue laces. The clothes covered all of her identifiable scars and worked on obscuring her figure, while her platform shoes gave her an extra three inches to her height. She clutched a backpack in her hands, containing her little blue bag with everything she would need to ensure that they both enjoyed these two nights away, with her pyjamas crammed into the bag to make it appear fuller.

As she did not want the Muggles to become suspicious of her light luggage for a two-night stay and mark her as someone who needed to be watched closely. Mikayla had gone so far as to completely lose her Irish accent and speak with an English that was significantly influenced by Ginny's, who was Alina's biological little sister. "Ah yes, here you are." Mrs. Roberts grinned as she produced the booking paperwork with her name printed atop of it. "I just need your ID and signature to confirm that this booking belongs to you." Mikayla had magically changed her old Muggle passport to reflect her new identity, knowing that this would be asked of her. She proceeded to pass it through the small window in exchange for the sign-in documents that Mrs. Roberts had given her.

After carefully reading the document to make sure all the details were correct, Mikayla gave it back to Mrs. Roberts with her signature scrawled across the bottom of it. "Now, it says here that you've booked it for two, when can we expect..." Mrs. Roberts glanced at the paperwork that Mikayla had just signed, looking for the second name on the reservation. "Ms Ginevra Weasley?" Mrs Roberts gaze swept over their two names a second time, and the corners of her mouth dipped as she raised her head and cocked it to the left to take in Mikayla's features. Mikayla swiftly realised what she was looking for, ignoring the visible disgust on Mrs. Roberts' face, even though it stung when she caught a tiny glimpse of what Avery would have to deal with when she and her future wife venture into the Muggle world.

She waited for Mrs. Roberts to complete analysing the way she looked, watching as she discovered that Mikayla had no rings on her hands before the young blonde spoke up. "Yes, I wanted to make sure everything was in order before my sister arrived, she will be here in around an hour. We wanted some time apart from our six brothers so that we could properly catch up without them going to our parents to tell tales, since she has been away at boarding school for the last seven months." Mrs. Roberts relaxed in her chair, her shoulders no longer tense from the mental gymnastics of picturing what kind of lesbian escapades Mikayla and Ginny might have engaged in before she had been told the nature of their relationship.

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