Griphook's Revenge

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Ron, Harry and Hermione were silently eating their dinner, tensions were high between the trio, they were yet to find another Horcrux or figure out how to destroy the one they did find. For a split second, Harry had wondered whether Mikayla knew the locations of all the Horcruxes and how to destroy them, but just wasn't telling them because it would change the course of future. He felt terrible about even considering the idea at all, Mikayla had already explained to him that she couldn't find Horcruxes because of the Dark Magic protections that they possess.

Whenever she looks into the future of them discussing obtaining a Horcrux, the object is blurred or the name of it erased from existence. The only ones she can hear are the locket, Marvolo's ring and Riddle's diary, the Horcruxes that she has seen in person at least once. Harry was dragged out of his head, by the sound of murmured voices, he leapt to his feet and began scanning the landscape for the people the voices belonged to. "What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked as she stood up too, "shhh, I can hear someone..." He whispered, listening hard to his surrpundings, his hands still raised in warning to Ron and Hermione to not talk.

"You casted the Muffliato charm over us, right?" he whispered to Hermione, she nodded instantly confirming that she had, as well as Muggle-Repelling and Disillusionment Charms. "They shouldn't be able to hear or see us, whoever they are." Hermione informed him as heavy footsteps and scrapping noises began to get louder. With the sounds of dislodged stones and twigs, they could tell that multiple people were walking down the steep towards the narrow bank of the river, where they had pitched their tent. The three of them walked towards their tent, wands raised while scanning the area for who was about to walk up on them.

The enchantments that protected them would be strong enough to hide them into darkness from whoever was coming, however they were unsure if it would hold up against Dark Magic the Death Eaters love to use. The voices became louder but were no more intelligible as the group of men reached the river bank, the cascading river made it hard to tell just how close they were. Hermione began rummaging through her trusty beaded bag, pulling out an Extendible Ear with three cords, handing a flesh-coloured cord to each of the boys. Hermione levitated the ear out of their boundary, hiding it out of the men's view with a well placed bush.

Within seconds, a weary male voice travelled up the string and echoed in their ears, "there ought to be some salmon in here, or d'ya reckon it's too early in the season?" When no one answered him, the man casted a Summoning Charm and six salmon were pulled out of the racing river, slapping against the rocks. Harry presses his cord deeper into his ear as he heard more voiced over the murmur of the rushing water, he realised quickly that whoever they were, they weren't speaking english or any other language Harry has heard.

The delicious smell of baking salmon wafted in their direction, Ron making a mental note to request the fish as a dinner from Mikayla tomorrow, and soon the clinking sound of cutlery on plates filled the air. The first man spoke again, calling Griphook, Murdoch and Gornuk over for their meal, and Harry realised that they had been speaking Gobbledegook or Goblin language. The three goblins joined the wizards by the fire as the fish finished cooking, thanking a man named Dirk for the meal.

"So, how long have you four been on the run for?" A new, familiar, mellow voice questioned. Harry, Ron and Hermione sharing a silent look in realisation that the voice belonged to Ted Tonks. "Six or seven weeks... I don't know exactly." Dirk answers sounding completely exhausted, "I met up with Griphook at the start, and we joined forces with Gornuk and Murdoch shortly after. It's nice to have some company, reckon I would've went around the twist if I were alone." Dirk's words were followed by knives scrapping plates, "what made you leave, Ted?" Dirk asked to keep the conversation flowing.

"Oh, I knew they were gonna come for me. There were rumours that Death Eaters were a town over from mine and thought it would be best for me to leave. I didn't sign the Muggleborn Registry, and I never will. My wife and daughter are safe, Andromeda is a Pureblood and my daughter is safely hidden with her Husband. I met Dean here a few days ago, wasn't it, son?" Dean Thomas confirmed Ted's words, the trio were overjoyed to hear their fellow Gryffindor's voice, but the feeling was bittersweet as they reminded themselves why he was there.

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