Mikayla's ED Origin

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The Delacours, it soon transpired, were very helpful and pleasant guests. They were pleased with everything and keen to assist with the preparations for the wedding. François pronounced everything from the seating plan to the bridesmaids' shoes, as "Charmant!" Apolline was most accomplished at household spells and had the oven properly cleaned in a trice. Gabrielle followed her elder sister around, trying to assist in any way she could and jabbering away in rapid French. Mikayla was often incorporated into these sisterly chats, Fleur loved having her family about and Mikayla found herself being a translator most of the day for the non-french speaking residents.

On the downside, the Burrow was not built to accommodate so many people. Mikayla and Fred were now sleeping in the sitting room, giving Gabrielle and Fleur their room as Delacours take the guest room. Bill would be sharing with Charlie, his best man, once Charlie arrives from Romania. Remus and Tonks have been given Bill and Fleur's room, they are due to arrive later tonight. Molly didn't want anyone sleeping in Percy's new room before Percy does, so Mikayla didn't even try and bargain that she and Fred reside there instead of on the squished sofa.

Opportunities for Ron, Hermione and Harry to make plans together have became virtually nonexistent. Mikayla did try her best to distract Molly, but that woman is like a bloodhound for scheming. In desperation the three of them took to volunteering to feed the chickens everyday just to escape the overcrowded house. "But she still won't leave us alone!" Ron snarled as they attempt a meeting in the yard for the second time today. He has just spotted Mrs Weasley leaving the house with a large basket of laundry in her arms, heading straight for them. "Oh, good, you've fed the chickens," she called out to them, to further alert them that she was now in hearing distance.

"We'd better shut them away again before the men arrive tomorrow to put up the tent for the wedding," Molly added breathlessly, pausing to lean against the henhouse and catch her breath. She looked absolutely exhausted, hosting a wedding is no easy feat and Molly wanted everything to be perfect. Mikayla rushed out of the house, looking for Molly before rushing over to join the group. Molly had given her the slip once again, by asking her to help Apolline pick appetizers for the wedding.

"Millamant's Magic Marquees, they're very good. Bill's escorting them. You'd better stay inside with Mikayla while they're here, Harry." Molly instructed as Harry looked at Mikayla, who nodded and told him that they'll hide up in his and Ron's room, just in case the Marquee men are invited in for tea afterwards. "I must say it does complicate organising a wedding, having all these security spells around the place." Molly voiced with a rather solemn look on her face. Harry quickly apologised for the main reason behind the security spell was to protect him. Mikayla also apologised as she hasn't made it any easier by what she's been up to.

Mikayla was in the Prophet again that morning. Apparently, they've been documented everything that she's been up to for the past few weeks, and has decided now is a good time to share it and warn the rest of the Wizarding World not to follow in her footsteps. That Mikayla has become a vigilante and is doing more bad than good by making the Death Eaters and Voldemort angry. The Ministry itself has been quoted saying that if she keeps it up that they'll have to arrest her themselves to protect the greater public. Even if she's saved over fifty lives in her short spree, when they've just hiding bodies.

"Oh, don't be silly, dear!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed at once, she was would never want Harry to think that cares more about a wedding than his well being. "I didn't mean it like that! Your safety's much more important! Actually, I've been wanting to ask you how you want to celebrate your birthday, Harry. Seventeen, after all, it's an important day." Harry immediately shut down the idea of throwing a party, like Mikayla had. Saying that he didn't want a fuss, and a nice dinner would do. He explained his reasoning behind his decision was because he would've been asking too much of her to throw a party. After all, the wedding will be happening the very next day.

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