First Dance Song

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"...then I declare you bonded for life." The tufty-haired wizard waved his hand high over the heads of Bill and Fleur and a shower of silver stars fell upon them, spiralling around their now entwined figures. Mikayla passed Ginny and Gabrielle some tissues as they all dabbed their teary eyes, as Fred and George led a round of applause. At the sound the golden balloons overhead burst, Mikayla embarrassingly jumped at the sound even though it was her who casted the triggering spell in the first place. She had to recover quickly to clap along with everyone else as birds of paradise and tiny golden bells flew and floated out of the bursted balloons, adding their songs and chimes to the din.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" called the tufty-haired wizard. "If you would please stand up!" They all did as asked, Auntie Muriel audibly grumbling about having to get out of her seat at her age. When the officiant waved his wand again, the chairs on which they had been sitting rose gracefully into the air as the canvas walls of the marquee vanished. Leaving them all stood beneath a canopy supported by golden poles, with a glorious view of the sunlit orchard and surrounding countryside. Next, a pool of molten gold spread from the centre of the tent to form a gleaming dance floor, the hovering chairs grouped themselves around small, white-clothed tables, which all floated gracefully back to earth.

Mikayla was one of the first people to exclaim her congratulations to the newly wed couple, they had pulled her into a tight embrace and thank her for all the work she put in to make their day perfect. The blonde completely dismissed the praise stating that she had a very minor part in the wedding process, but thanked them all the same for involving her in the wedding at all. Mikayla stepped away from the crowd that was beginning for form around the couple, not wanting to get in the way.

She accepted a flute of butterbeer from a nearby waiter, thanking him before taking a sip of the drink while keeping an eye on Bill and Fleur, making sure no one was overstepping their boundaries. "Hey." Fred voices from her side, Mikayla hadn't seen him appear as she was too focused trying to figure out what Xenophilius Lovegood just gifted Bill and Fleur, jumping slightly as she spun around to greet him. "Hi Freddie, beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?" Mikayla commented, her eyes still glossy with unfallen tears, "it was." Fred agreed quietly, turning to join his girlfriend in watching people interact with Bill and Fleur.

"But I think for our wedding I'd prefer to do something a lot more relaxed. We can all wear what we like, and I'll put a full Body Bind Curse on Mum until it's all over if I have too." Fred added, looking at Mikayla out of the corner of his eyes to watch her reaction to his words. The blonde smiled softly, intertwining their hands and resting her head against his shoulder, "you'll be doing no such thing to Mum. But I'm game for a come as you are wedding, as long as you don't wear that ridiculous water spurting flower that you got in the Muggle joke shop last summer."

Fred chuckled loudly at Mikayla's one condition, he had completely forgotten about that particular purchase, noting to himself to bring it out during the next family gathering. Mikayla's ears perked up at the sound of Ron's voice a few feet away from them, he was asking Luna permission for him, Harry and Hermione to join her table. She looked down at her watch, seeing that it was already 4:48, "we should find a seat. Dinner will be served in about fifteen minutes." Mikayla told her boyfriend, who agreed with her plan and began leading Mikayla over to the table where her friends were.

Fred jokingly pulled Mikayla down on his lap, when she looked at him silently asking him what he was doing, he grinned widely, "what you said that we should find a seat. I'm a very literal person, Mia, you should know this." Mikayla rolled her eyes as her boyfriend's antics, dropping a kiss on his cheek before moving into her own seat and greeting the rest of the table. Compliments were thrown around the friend group, as it's been hours since they last talked. The subject quickly changed into discussing what Muriel had said to them all.

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