The Breakdown Of The Order

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Mikayla couldn't sleep, every time she closed her eyes she felt that someone was about to burst through the door and attack them. She pretended to be asleep to trick the imaginary intruder to reveal themselves and give her an advantage, no one appeared. She could hear the floor boards creak in the hall outside her room, the Order has decided that she needs to be guarded at all times. Mikayla couldn't convince them otherwise, and if she was being honest with herself, she didn't want to talk them out of it either. Fred ultimately picked up on this, and has proactively gotten involved in scheduling the Advance Guard's shifts.

5 Muggles and 12 Death Eaters were killed during the battle of The Merry Merrows, the Muggles family's were notified of their relatives Death, and informed that they were being prepared for burial in Piercestown's only funeral home. It was up to them for where their family member would be buried, as some like to bury them where they died, while others would bring them home to be buried in their local graveyard. Mikayla sent money in the letters to cover the price of a coffin and burial plot, stating the time, place and reason of Death, stating her condolences before signing off the letter as the Piercestown mortician, who happened to be squib, and more than happy to help.

During the meeting in Piercestown castle, the Order broke down the new discovery they made, Imperium Cimex, they gave a detailed description of the green mind-controlling beetle, how it looks, how exactly it works, and how they expect to combat it. They answer every question fired their way by every member of the Order that hadn't been in Mikayla and Fred's bedroom the night of the attack. It wasn't going to be easy to fight this threat, it takes a while to take effect, it doesn't immediately cause wild behavioural changes, and it doesn't leave behind a mark of where it began to burrow from.

The main security protocol is to avoid being in direct contact with any Death Eater, or in other words, don't engage in any sort physical fights. Mikayla believes there might be a way for her to find and force out the creature, with a quick look into everyone's mind, parasites battle for the mind will behind mental evidence that she'll be able to pick up on easily. However, Mikayla needs to figure out a way to discover this while not touching the person that she trying to mind search, as if it's a fresh Imperium Cimex invasion, the creature will flee and try and take over the closest person to their initial target.

With the topic of Imperium Cimexes covered, they moved on to dissect the attack of The Merry Merrows, and now they knew the Death Eaters newest strategy. Two missions at once, one minor attack focused on distracting the Order, and the other a capture attack or more major attack that they want to go unnoticed. First sending Vector to capture Mikayla, fighting both her and Fred, and being loud enough to alert the rest of the Order, while they worked on capturing Penelope Clearwater to use her against the Order. Now, they've attacked The Merry Merrows which contained the whole Order, in order to distract them from their main mission, the capture of Luna Lovegood.

They decided to split the Order into five different groups; public spies, recruiters, fighters, healers, and clean up crew. The spies are those to work in plain sight, whether they work in the Ministry, Gringotts or a random shop/pub around the country, their job is to listen and report back to Kingsley. Recruiters are to continue finding people to join the Order, and maintain a good relationship with possible allies. They are to document their work in notebooks that will transfer their notes to a massive journal in Carra Manor, where Mikayla will keep log and warn them if she gets a bad feeling about one of their possible recruits. Fighters is pretty self-explanatory, they were the ones that were going to be fighting Death Eaters whenever they tried to hurt, kill or capture anyone.

However, it has been decided now that there was much more fighters than before that there was going to be different groups of fighters. Four groups of 20 fighters, Mikayla, Kingsley, Fred and Remus were in all of the groups. Mikayla had to because she has become the 'face' of the rebellion, Fred and Remus were as they wanted to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't do anything reckless, while Kingsley decided no leader should let his soldiers do all the high-risk missions. There was now a total of 68 fighters, evening the odds for the Order.

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