Reclaiming Control

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Fear sparked in Mikayla's chest at this movement, she looked into Vector's deranged eyes, and felt her stomach flip as she saw no signs of him being cursed. "Vector, see reason. We both know this isn't you, this isn't what you want. You've got to fight back." Mikayla pleaded, hoping to get through to the older man that she held so much respect towards. "No, you don't get to appeal to me when it's my daughter they've killed." Mikayla's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but before she could voice it, Vector sent a non-verbal blasting curse hurtling towards her.

Mikayla didn't have time to react, her whole body getting thrown against the wall, shattering her lamp as she made contact with it, sending the room into complete darkness. As she crumbled to the floor after the impact, using the darkness to her advantage as she rolled herself beneath the bed. Her hand clamped over her mouth, to smother the cries of pain as she army crawled to the foot of the bed, where Fred was laying unconscious, his wand on the floor next to him. Mikayla grabbed the wand, crawling out from under the bed at Vector's feet away from Fred to hide that she was now armed.

When Vector flicked the room light on, he jumped backwards as Mikayla reached over to grab him by the leg, escaping her attempt. Vector slammed his foot down onto Mikayla's outstretched hand, creating a loud sound cracking from him breaking bones. Mikayla screamed out in pain, the sheer velocity of her heightened emotion caused her cast accidental magic and shattered the bedroom's windows. "Stop that!" Vector shouted at her, as she continued to scream, praying that someone who hear her distress as tears started to force their ways down her cheeks. Vector grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her up on her feet by it, despite Mikayla's attempts to free herself by thrashing around as much as she could.

"Wh-why?" Mikayla pants out, her non-broken hand curling into fist, "they killed my Sonya because of you!" Vector yelled in her face, "I don't even know who that is!" Mikayla protests before landing a punch on Vector's sharp jaw, getting out of his grasp, and immediately hitting him with a Body Bind curse. Mikayla flinched when Vector's head hit the corner of the radiator, something small flashed green and red as it fell to the ground, but she kept Fred's wand pointing threateningly at him, asking him to explain himself. "Black? What are you doing?" Vector's voice had lost all sense of urgency and maliciousness, he blinked while taking in his surroundings before looking even more confused.

His eyes travelling from the unconscious Fred, to Mikayla's broken wand on the floor next to him, to the shattered lamp behind her, ending on the state of Mikayla's broken hand. "What happened? How did I get here?" Vector questioned seemingly lost, but Mikayla wasn't going to fall for dazed routine until it proved truthful. "Who is Sonya?" Mikayla queried the older man, who's expression shifted from confused to forlorn. "Who told you that name?" Mikayla looked at Vector for any hint that he may be putting on an act, but her gut was telling her that she was no longer in danger.

"You did, you came here and attacked us. You kept saying that they killed her because of me." Vector's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but taking note of their surroundings again, saw that it must've been the truth. "Sonya is my first child, she was killed at the start of the First Wizarding War after I refused to join Voldemort's side by Carrows and Rookwood, she was only a year old." Mikayla's heart broke at this information, but she was unsure how it had anything to her, and why he decided to attack her tonight. She knew that she needed to figure out where he has been, and what lead to this night's events. "Vector, what was the last thing you remember?"

The man stared off into the distance, trying to recollect his thoughts, while he did so, Mikayla moved over to Fred and woke him up the Reviving spell. He groaned quietly, holding onto his side while wincing in pain, before opening his eyes to see Mikayla stood over him. Seeing the state she was in, he rushed to get up, Mikayla helped him up to sit on the bed while promising that she was okay, that she was more worried about him. "The last thing I remember is Rookwood tackling me in Shoreditch, before my left eye flashed green..." Vector voiced from his spot on the floor, Fred's head swinging around to look at the dishevelled man, eyes full of fury as he remembered how he had fallen unconscious.

In The Fight To Survive (Golden Trio Era) {4}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα