Proposal and Presence

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A/N- Here's a double update to make up from my absence and to celebrate the first Saturday of the new year! I hope you all have a magical year and complete the goals you set out to achieve. Comment your resolutions (if you made any). I Love you all!

The whole party retired to the main sitting room, where Mikayla, Ginny and Brian set up a corner for musical performances. Cushions were littered on the floor for the younger kids to sit down, where they played with the toys they were gifted, while the adults took the sofas and armchairs. Arthur relit the fireplace, Fred served everyone a choice between eggnog and hot chocolate, while Bill handed out blankets to complete the cozy scene. Fleur gave all the adults their Kris Kringle gifts, for them to all open them together while the kids where still distracted with their toys.

Mikayla had gifted Molly a silver bracelet with nine eternity circle charms on it with each of the original nine Weasleys' birthstone in the centre of each circle charm. They were arranged in a line from oldest to youngest along the band of the bracelet. She wrapped Molly in a hug before her adoptive mother could dissolve into tears over the reminder that two of her sons weren't present. Mikayla wasted no time, after she consoled Molly, in opening her gift from Úna. The first half of the gift was a reddish-pink leather journal with a Phoenix printed on the front cover. The second half of the gift was a sterling silver necklace with a circular pedant of a silver Phoenix, with diamond accents, wrapped around a loop of Austrian blue crystal.

"I owe you a Phoenix necklace after I broke yours, and I thought you might need a journal to keep track of all the brilliant ideas that run through your head

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"I owe you a Phoenix necklace after I broke yours, and I thought you might need a journal to keep track of all the brilliant ideas that run through your head." Úna explained to the blonde in a hushed whisper, "thank you, they are both absolutely gorgeous." Mikayla wrapped her arms around Úna, holding the older woman tight hoping she gets the hint of how grateful she is, that there was no words for it. "But why a Phoenix?" Mikayla jokingly asked as they pulled apart, which first Úna rolls her eyes at before giving Mikayla a serious answer, "because just like a Phoenix you are a message of hope, renewal and healing in our broken world."

Mikayla blushed at the words, thinking that Úna was giving her way too much credit, but knew better than voice these thoughts, "you flatter me too much." Mikayla commented with a light laugh, looking away hoping would get the hint that she should open her own gift instead of complimenting her. While searching for a distraction, Mikayla caught Kingsley's eye as he lead Penelope towards the hall door. The blonde discreetly sent him a thumbs up while Penelope's back was turned, Mikayla gave Kingsley Penelope's name for Kris Kringle so that he could discreetly exit the room with her without people questioning it.

And if they had questioned it, Mikayla would jump in with the pre-discussed cover story that Kingsley had mistakenly left his gift for her under the Christmas tree in the Sun Room. Mikayla asked Úna to fasten her new necklace onto her neck, before she got to her feet and made her way over to Fred. He and Charlie were animatedly chatting with one another, and she wasn't sure if they were arguing or just really passionate about what they were discussing. As she stood next to him, Fred wrapped his arm around her waist almost immediately and pulled her against his side with a greeting smile.

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