Talking Harry Down

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Mikayla had just composed herself when she heard something moving behind her. She turned around to see Harry had a backpack strapped to his back and was speed walking down the dirty lane towards her. His head was down, and his eyes screwed up in concentration. Distracted by his own inner turmoil, Harry hadn't spotted Mikayla standing there yet, so she just watched him get closer. His fear driven determination was evident in his body language, he was hunched over and his knuckles were white as he gripped the straps of his backpack with all his might.

Harry's head snapped up when he was a few feet away from Mikayla, he was stunned at the fact that the blonde had travelled so far in her condition, and the fact that she had caught him trying to sneak away. "What the hell are you doing here?" Harry rasps, giving Mikayla a hint that he had been crying. "I was seeking silence. The night terrors and the twins snoring in harmony were not a good mix for me to keep what remains of my sanity." Mikayla answers with a soft smile, but her voice gave away that she too was on the verge of bursting into tears again.

"What's that in your hand?" Harry gestures to the flowers and letter gripped tightly in her hands, "they're from Avery." She responded without explanation, and confusion morphed onto Harry's face that she felt like she had to give him something. "It's an Aevus thing. Why are you here? Planning on using the cover of night to escape and get yourself killed?" Mikayla gestured to the rucksack on his back, before slyly moving her body to grip the fence under the disguise of looking out on the landscape, hiding the pain she felt while beckoning Harry to join her. Harry let out a huff of reluctance but followed the silent command anyways.

"I don't want to be responsible for anyone else dying... if I go now-" Mikayla cut Harry off before he could convince himself that him leaving was actually a good decision, "you'll be killed within minutes and I'd have to do all this hero work alone." Mikayla rested her head on Harry's shoulder, taking comfort for herself and acting as an anchor for Harry. "Do you really think that I'm that incapable of surviving by myself?" Harry asked with anger evident in his voice, "that's not what I think at all, Harry. All I know is that we pissed off a lot of dark wizards earlier, and they will be checking every dark corner of the UK to find you, not to mention that you've still got the trace on you."

The pair fell silent for a few moments, they could hear the crunching of two set of footsteps coming towards them. "Going somewhere, you two?" Ron calls over, alerting them of who was approaching. Mikayla looks back as Ron and Hermione get closer, shaking her head to say that she wasn't planning on disappearing in to the night. However when Harry turned he didn't shoot down the idea of leaving, but embraced it, "nobody else is going to die. Not for me." Ron stopped walking and his face contorting into a severe expression after he realised what Harry had said.

"For you? You think Mad-Eye died for you? Think George took that curse for you? You think Mikayla got shot wit-" Harry cut Ron off, "don't you dare lie and say that they didn't get hurt because of me, they wouldn't even have been in the air if it weren't for me!" Harry shouted taking a threatening step towards Ron, making Mikayla wince as his arm brushes against her wounded side. "You maybe the Chosen One, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that. Its always been bigger than that, fate finds a way." Mikayla's head shot up at the mention of fate, staring back at her was Ron as if he knew exactly what to say to ease her own guilty feelings behind Moody's death and George's injury.

"Well, come with me then." Harry tried knowing that they won't him leave alone. "But Harry, you've still got the trace. If we try to apparate or floo or cast magic around you outside the wards then we'll be found in seconds." Hermione argued immediately. "Stay for the wedding, Harry." Mikayla tried but Harry wasn't haven't any of it, "the wedding? I don't care about a wedding. I'm sorry, no matter whose it is. I have to start finding these Horcruxes, they're our only chance to beat him, and the longer we stay here, the stronger he gets." Harry goes to leave but Mikayla firmly places herself between him and the gate.

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