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TW- There's A Whole Lot Of Violence In This Chapter. If you're squeamish, I'd suggest you skip over this chapter.

Mikayla was helped off the stage by Fred, who immediately brought her to the dance floor as the band began to play. Bill and Fleur were swaying along with the music, Arthur leading Apolline through a waltz, and Molly was dancing with François. The dance floor was quickly being filled with pairs, as the music filled the air. Mikayla couldn't take the smile off her face as she and Fred danced around, exchanging smiles and gentle pecks on the lips, completely lost in their very own world.

As the evening drew in, and moths began to swoop under the canopy, now lit with floating golden lanterns, the revelry became more and more uncontained. Mikayla was no longer dancing, but was anxiously watching as Ron picks up his plate and makes his way over to table where the last of the wedding cake was left. She wraps her arms around Fred, embracing him as he asks her if everything was okay. "I just want you to know that love you..." Mikayla whispered quietly as a chill runs down her spine making her shiver. "I know, Mia. And I love you more than anything in the world." Mikayla smiled raising her head as the lights begin to flicker, "I know."

The laughter begins to die down as people starting whispering about weak lighting charms, in the corner of her eyes Mikayla could see the Order members withdrawing their wands. She locked eyes with Hermione over Fred's shoulder, "go." Mikayla mouthed, and Hermione's eyes widened, quickly nodding and moving through the crowd towards the cake where Ron was as the music starts to become distorted. Mikayla and Fred pull apart and take out their own wands, when something large and silver came falling through the canopy over the dance floor. Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of the dance floor.

Everyone's head turned towards the lynx, the astonished guest that had been dance moved away from it as the Patronus's mouth opened wide. "The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. Run. They are coming, they are coming." The lynx spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt. Everyone watched frozen as the silver cat disappeared, and silence spread outward in cold ripples from the place where the Patronus had landed.

Then somebody screamed sending the whole crowd into a panic. Guests were sprinting in all directions, most were Disapparating as the protective enchantments around the Burrow had broken. Black smoke came tumbling into the canopy from every direction, Mikayla and Fred immediately turning back to back and shooting of spells off in the direction of the gate crashers. "Ginny!" Mikayla heard Harry yell, she turned to see Remus block him and push him towards Hermione and Ron as curses were thrown around.

Once they had disapparated, Mikayla pushed Fred towards George and Angelina that were duelling multiple Death Eaters together, to make her an easier target. Fred looked back at her, tapping his heart to silently tell her that he loved her, knowing what was about to happen. Mikayla mimicked the gesture, before becoming locked in a battle with a masked Death Eater. She was not holding back as she threw around every curse that crossed her mind, she wanted to do as much damage as she could before she was taken.

Mikayla managed to curse multiple Death Eaters before she saw that Fergal and Bellatrix were fighting with Remus and Tonks. Mikayla rushed over to their aid, knowing full well what was about to happen, she threw up a shield charm protecting Remus and Tonks as she tackled Bellatrix to the ground. Slamming her crazy cousin's hand against the floor, holding her down by straddling her, making her drop her wand. After all, Bellatrix is by far the most lethal Death Eater there, she was throwing around killing curses willy-nilly, and needed to be taken out.

When Bellatrix realised who was on top of her, she smirked and let out a cackling laugh as she grabbed a fist full of Mikayla's hair. Overpowering Mikayla, Bellatrix slammed the blonde's head into the ground as she flipped them over, so that she was pinning Mikayla to the ground. Bellatrix ripped Mikayla's wand out of her hand threw it away, before she repeatedly slammed Mikayla's head against the floor, calling her foul names, and drawing blood from the base of her skull.

In The Fight To Survive (Golden Trio Era) {4}Where stories live. Discover now