Setting The Stage

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CW: Magical duel- Injuries are sustained

Mikayla was surprised by all the good press her Potterwatch experience received, even if most of it was lost in the brutal propaganda published in the Daily Prophet the next day. Those who wrote about it, didn't know the content of the interview, but had heard whispers of people discussing it in public. Some people had recorded the songs she released and magically blasted them repeatedly throughout the Ministry of Magic, the three songs were on loop across every floor of the building, and had replaced the instrumental elevator music on the lifts.

Things were starting to look up for the Order, they had way more people involved and showing support to their cause. They are already gathering a list of more possible recruits as the spies overheard a lot of conversations about her appearance on Potterwatch. Mikayla's music was released to the world under the name, Aisling Dove, only those who heard Potterwatch knew it was her. Now she could continue releasing music under that name to get her message out to the world, and continue to spread hope and light during these dark times, for Julie.

It was strange to be walking through overwhelmingly crowded Kings Cross Station again, Mikayla hadn't imagined returning to Platform 9 and 3/4 for another five years at least. She found that the experience was causing a deep sadness within her, there was no excited chatter between friends about what they had done over the break. A dark gloomy cloud hung over the once gleaming Hogwarts Express, kids were weeping in their parents' arms, not wanting to return to Hogwarts or be separated from them again. Parents barely held back their own tears as they made empty promises that the kids had nothing to worry about, that they weren't in any danger.

Fred squeezed Mikayla's hand, pulling her attention away from the miserable scenes showcasing on the Platform, to lead her onto the train while there was a gap in the traffic by the door. Their Disillusionment Charms only hid them from sight as long as they avoided making any sort of physical contact with the train's patrons. They slowly manoeuvred around the kids that were struggling to put their trunks above their compartment, and the older students that came to their aid. They took refuge in one of the corridor compartments, where the benches lined the walls, with a small screen between each table for 'privacy'. They recast their Disillusionment charms, worried that they may wear off as the charm has been activated since they Port-Keyed to Charing Cross Station.

They had to take the Muggle train to Kings Cross Station as it was impossible for them to get there magically without putting themselves at risk. Mikayla had gotten a tip from Narcissa, that a charm had been placed on the platform that it would track anyone who Apparated, Flooed or Port-Keyed in. The charm would not only track them, but would destroy any protective enchantments that they passed through after the spell latched onto them. So when Mikayla and Fred returned to Carra Manor, all wards would be gone and the Death Eaters would be able to come after them. The charm will only target Order members, as she has yet to find the opportunity to alter the Death Eaters' memories to forget who is in the Order.

Mikayla looks at the door to see the Slytherin crest engraved on the wood, claiming this carriage as Slytherin territory. Mikayla and Fred walked up along the corridor, placing protective wards over the benches to protect those behind the armrest line from any sort of curse hitting them; it will instead rebound at the caster. Daphne, Theo and Tracey arrive soon after Mikayla finishes the last set of benches, they put their luggage up on the racks in the middle of the carriage, Daphne and Theo's on the right side and Tracey's on the left. Once their luggage was in position, the trio stepped back to allow Fred and Mikayla get into position.

Fred helped an invisible Mikayla up into the luggage rack on the left side of the corridor, so that she was laying on top of Tracey's trunk, before he climbed up into the right side luggage rack, laying across Theo and Daphne's trunks. Mikayla and Fred did a quiet triple knock on top of the luggage to signal to the three Slytherins that they were in position, before the trio sat down in the booth below Fred. Mikayla and Fred silently lay there, watching as the corridor begins to fill up with 5ft-7th year Slytherins.

Five hours into the journey, just after they passed through Carlisle's Woodlands, Marian Ebenezer entered the Slytherin corridor carriage asking if anyone wanted something from the trolley. Mikayla felt bile rise up her throat as she heard a fifth year Slytherin girl call Marian a 'filthy squib' and threatened to set the Death Eaters on the elderly woman. Mikayla saw how Marian tried her hardest to disguise the hurt she felt as other students began shouting abuse at her, but tears bobbled behind her eyes' waterline and her lip wobbled in despair.

"Shut up the lot of you!" Theo roared, making the carriage fall into a stunned silence, "how dare you speak to her like that? Just because she doesn't have magic doesn't mean you can disregard her feelings, and treat her like she's less than you." Theo's voice was harsh, his words seemed to pierce the minds of each individual in the carriage, all of which didn't know how to react to being told off by someone who is known to have ties with Death Eaters. "Nott's right, Marian has been working here for decades, and many of you have been on the receiving end of her kindness, so don't think for a second that just because you've learned she's a Squib, that you can belittle her or shout any sort of abuse at her."

Just as Daphne finished backing up Theo, the train jolted forward before coming to a screeching halt. "What's going on?" Astoria Greengrass calls out, looking out the window to confirm to herself that they were nowhere near Hogwarts. Black smoke began to bellow from the valley below the bridge they were passing over, sounds of glass breaking and screams echoed in the air. The two doors into the carriage swung open, hitting the walls with such force that the glass shattered and fell to the ground. Tracey threw down the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder the second it was revealed who had come barging in, Bellatrix Lestrange, Castor Nott, Thorfinn Rowle, Serena Selwyn, Antonin Dolohov, and Alecto Carrow. This gave Mikayla and Fred enough time to cover Marian's front and back.

Bellatrix swiftly cleared the air, vacuuming the black smoke out of the carriage via the skylight windows that lined the roof. However before they could even attempt to attack Marian, who seemed frozen in fear after being surrounded, both Carrow and Rowle were rendered unconscious by Audrey and Krum arriving at each of the doors', boxing the Death Eaters in. Now the odds were a little more even, 6-4, as the school going Order members have been advised not to fight unless they are targeted specifically. Bellatrix cackled loudly, her head swivelling around the room as if she was searching for something, "I know you're here little cousin, don't be a coward... SHOW YOURSELF!" Bellatrix roared, as she raised her wand threateningly at Marian.

"Crucio" The jet of red light rippled through the air, shooting across the room making Marian scream while she ducked behind her trolley, but she didn't need to worry. The curse hit against Mikayla's chest, disintegrating the second it made contact, before Mikayla and Fred's Disillusionment charms fell away revealing their presence to the whole corridor. Dolohov tried to send a blasting curse at Mikayla, but she lazily threw up a shield charm, making the spell ricochet and hit him instead. "Marian, come sit with us, you'll be safe." Tracey reached out for her, Marian rushed over to sit on the bench with the three Slytherins that had stuck up for her.

Serena Selwyn was the next Death Eater to attack, she tried to send a Scorching charm at Marian, the spell was repelled by the wards Mikayla and Fred had put in place, and boomeranged back at the wicked witch. Chaos followed after the Scorching charm hit both Selwyn and Nott, Bellatrix and Dolohov becoming particularly vicious as they swiftly realised that one more mistake and they'll be horribly outnumbered and overpowered. Their precious Dark Lord would not let this failure go unpunished, they had to show their strength in front of the students to scare them into submission when the time comes. But Fred and Mikayla were not going make it easy for them.

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