Shell Cottage

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Mikayla apparated onto the secret beach on the outskirts of Tinworth, a half-magical town in Cornwall. She appeared a foot away from the water's edge, and counted herself lucky that she didn't end up in the sea. Mikayla had to make sure that she was out of sight from all of the beach houses that lined the coast, as they were primarily owned by wizards and she couldn't risk being seen. Shell Cottage was a little bit further down the beach, she couldn't apparate to it or use her Portkey because Bill and Fleur have put up wards to prevent anyone from doing it, so Mikayla began her walk along the waterfront.

Bill made himself secret keeper and only shared the location of the house with her, Fleur and now Ron. He was also the secret keeper for where the rest of the Weasley family were hiding, and he hasn't shared that information with anyone. From what Mikayla has been told, Molly is really struggling with the idea of all her children are partaking in a lot of solo high-risk situations, which is understandable all things considered. Hearing word back that Ginny had been caught trying to steal the sword of Gryffindor sent into a spiral. She needs constant reassurance and proof that each order her kids that are out on the battlefield are alive and well.

Molly hasn't heard a peep from those on the Horcrux hunt, only hearing about them breaking into the Ministry from Arthur, and the atrocious article the Prophet published. Molly has no clue where Ron, Harry and Hermione are, or what they are up to, or if they're being safe. Mikayla is almost always making prophecies and war plans that she hasn't seen her adoptive mother since the wedding, which she was extremely injured at and later taken by Death Eaters for a month's worth of torture. They only communicate through Patronuses at the moment.

Bill is still working at Gringotts, he's been attacked both on and off duty by Death Eaters, hoping to get Mikayla or Harry to come to his rescue. Fleur no longer works, she's taken up being a temporary housewife for the duration of the war. Charlie is all over Europe, trying to recruit international wixens and magical creatures to help fend off Voldemort. He has been attacked multiple times by Death Eaters that were recruiting and by potential allies.

Percy is still adamant in staying loyal to the Ministry despite it being a Death Eater breeding ground. Ginny is at Hogwarts where students are being forced to partake in the Dark Arts. The twins are almost always involved in every Order mission that has taken place over the past few months. Arthur is becoming stir crazy from not going to work, so he's been more involved in rescue missions as well. Mikayla is very worried for her adoptive mother's mental health, and wants to organise an overnight visit soon to provide some sort of comfort by using her vision sharing abilities.

The climb up the small sand dunes of the beach had Mikayla slightly out of breath, she grabbed a hold of the grey stone wall that bordered Shell Cottage's perimeter, to steady her shallow fast-paced breaths. Mikayla smiles at the sight of the distinct home, a whitewashed stone house with uniquely gorgeous roof shillings made of seashells that stood alone along the edge of Tinworth's cliffs. The sound of the sea crashing against the cliffside below and the aromatic smell of the salty sea brought calmness to Mikayla's racing breathing.

Mikayla hops over the wall, making her way towards the weathered sea-blue front door of the cottage, and giving it a gentle, threatening, knock. Her eyes scanned the scenic view that surrounded the small cottage, that remained untouched by human interference. She could see the Longships Lighthouse on Carn Bras in the distance, waves crashing off the round granite tower ferociously, a warning of the storm that has been forecasted is about to begin.

The wind chimes on the porch of Shell Cottage began to dance and sing as the wind picked up a bit, the front door opening up with a frowning Fleur on the other side, her wand point pointing directly at the blonde. "How did we meet?" Mikayla smile, "I was your Hogwarts appointed prefect when Beauxbatons arrived at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. You asked me what Hogwarts house I was in after I explained that you could sit with at Ravenclaw or Gryffindor tables." Fleur smiled as she wrapped Mikayla into a welcoming hug.

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