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CW: Heavy Themes; Blood, Threats of Genocide, War, Stolen Identity.

Mikayla was planning something big and incredibly risky after the conspiracies of her selfish need to seek glory by fighting alone began circling on every form of media. She had listened to the Potterwatch broadcast five days ago while nursing Ted back to health. Their story of the series of events that led to her fighting alone was an attempt to paint her into a martyr rather than a power hungry miscreant. "Now, it is no secret that Mikayla Black has been acting alone with the attempts to stop the Death Eaters from killing more innocents in the last few days. We at Potterwatch can confirm that until the final battle, Mikayla will be the only one working against the darkness. The Order has shared a letter written by Black before her disappearance from her home."

The letter had been written by Dumbledore originally, it was one of the three items locked in the secret compartment of the uncovered Phoenix canister. Kingsley suggested that the blonde rewrote the letter as a way for it to sound more genuine, and authentic to her. It explained that Mikayla couldn't allow others to fight this fight with her any longer, that she wasn't willing to risk the lives of those closest to her. Watching them die or get seriously injured out of loyalty to her wasn't something that she was okay with. That was Voldemort's way, his followers were expendable to him, if they died while carrying out his orders then they were too weak for the 'Greatness' he is seeking. Mikayla refused to ask anyone to lay down their lives for her mission, and so she would fight alone.

Her letter was somewhat well received; a few people thought that Mikayla displayed clear signs of a hero complex, wanting no one but her to be the resistance between good and evil. It was a fair assessment, when Mikayla first read Dumbledore's version she had felt the same way. There was no way to make her actions come off more sacrificial instead of selfish desire. She had no choice either way, the world can draw conclusions, make up conspiracy theories, make her out to be a selfish power hungry monster, but it didn't change her orders. Mikayla had no choice other than to heal the injuries Ted got during the Battle of Lower Berry Hill before Apparating him to Blackcarra. The price on her head has reached a new high at 90,000 Galleons, making it almost impossible for her to venture anywhere outside of her safe house imprisonment.

She couldn't bring him to St. Mungo's, and it took days before he recovered from a particularly nasty Sectumsempra curse. The curse seemed to have become common practice, despite the ferociousness of it, that even a low grade Snatcher could cause significant damage to their victims without ever using an Unforgivable. It was the Daily Prophet's March 28th edition that inspired her next smokescreen stunt, more specifically its Headlining article, 'Date Set To Eradicate Magic Thieves'. The article revealed that Azkaban had become overcrowded, and out of fear of a revolt against its guards, all 'Magic Thieves' aka Muggleborns were to be killed at Sunset on March 29th.

It was now two hours before this massacre was supposed to occur, Mikayla apparated herself to the island that housed Azkaban Prison, a shiver running down her back. It seems like a lifetime ago since she was standing on the black staggered cliff face coming to take a memory from Fergal, not 9 months ago. She didn't dwell on the heavy emotional charge that clung to the surface of the daunting visage of the prison's cold walls, clambering across the uneven rocks that drew blood with its jagged edges, towards the prison door. There was an open invitation to any families to come say goodbye to those who were on death row, a trap that Mikayla was more than happy to pick apart in seconds.

She banged her fist against the door three times, the sound echoing in her ears, as she pointed her wand towards the door. It was swung open by Corban Yaxley, his eyes going wide in realisation of who was in front of him, but Mikayla hit him with a Sleeping curse before he could react. She plucked a frail fried blonde hair from his head, dropping it into her bottle of Polyjuice Potion, while casting a Body-Binding curse and a Disillusionment charm on his sleeping body, dragging out the door to leave him outside. She gulped down the rancid tasting potion, transfiguring her clothes to look like what he was wearing, stepping inside the prison without any trouble.

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