The Griffiths Family

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CW: Details of a graphic werewolf attack, blood, injury and death mentioned.

September passed in a blink of an eye for Mikayla, every other day she was locked in battle with Death Eaters that she hasn't had anytime to anything but eat, sleep and fight. Good news is that Mikayla has been labelled as the most undesirable person in the wizarding world. A bounty of 10,000 Galleons has been placed on her head, kill first, ask questions later, type of deal. Mikayla personally felt that she was worth way more than that, but her friends didn't appreciate that comment as much has she hoped they would.

When they had their October lunch session, Harry went as far as asking Mikayla to slow her roll and space out her interference more before she gets killed. Mikayla reminded them all what her mission was exactly, that it was all going according to plan and she was still staying true with her agreement with Fred to only save everyone once. Going as far to let Fred documenting every person that the Order has saved and check the list of names every time Mikayla announces an attack. They begrudgingly accepted that they couldn't ask more from her, knowing that her save once rule was causing her enough morality issues as it is.

Two weeks into October Mikayla heard news from Kreacher about an attempt of stealing Godric Gryffindor's sword. Ginny, Neville and Luna had lead this failed attempt, thinking that there was a reason Dumbledore had willed it to Harry and believed it was important for them to steal it for him. Snape had caught them, and the sword was relocated to the Lestrange vault, but before Snape could punish them, Mikayla ran a distraction allowing them to escape before their Polyjuice disguises wore off. She apparated into Hogsmeade, stupefied two intoxicated Death Eaters that were giving Madam Rosmerta trouble, before using her Illimité Portkey to escape.

Mikayla knew that the sword in the headmasters' office was only a very convincing replica of sword of Godric Gryffindor. That the real sword was hidden somewhere by Snape as he planned to give it to Harry himself, without being seen helping the 'Chosen One'.  She knew the reason behind why the sword was important, seeing it in a vision of Harry and Hermione discussing it before Harry and Ron get into a big fight on the 17th. A selfish part of herself was glad that she wouldn't be the only one of their group that wasn't hunting Horcruxes for a few months.

Mikayla decided that tonight was a contender for one of worst nights of her entire life, October 16th, also known as the first night Mikayla would be sitting out of a Order mission. On the 2nd of September at 1:47pm, Mikayla had saved the Griffiths family from a Death Eater attack in their home in Kerry, and they went into hiding soon after. Tonight, a fucking Full Moon night, will be the second time the family will be attacked, and therefore Mikayla has been forced to stay home.

The Order left over an hour ago, just after moonrise, to do everything they could to protect people from the small pack of werewolves that would be on prowl that night. The Order couldn't morally leave the Griffiths to be killed and not try to help in any way they could, so it was just Mikayla that had to suffer through the cruel moral dilemma of it all. She was getting antsy from being left behind, pacing the length of the sitting room while fighting back a panic attack. Kreacher sat silently on the sofa watching the blonde, worriedly.

Mikayla had asked him to keep her company in case something went wrong while she left was alone. The last thing she wanted was be alone if she had a panic or anxietas attack, and Fred has briefed Kreacher on what to do if either happen. Mikayla couldn't sit and wait to hear the bad news, she knew was coming. She was being eaten alive with the guilt of knowing that someone was going to die, and she wasn't doing anything about it. Focusing on taking deeps breaths, while glancing at the clock on the wall every few seconds.

Fred arrived shortly after with Mikayla's Illimité Portkey in hand, he took it with him so he could return to Carra Manor without being traced. Mikayla wasted no time to walk into his outstretched arms, burying her face into the crook of his neck and breathing him in. "There was two casualties, Heather and Tadhg, the wolves made sure of it. The kids are alive, they're in Blackcarra being treated, they've both been bitten." Fred informed Mikayla knowing that her mind was being plagued with the possibilities of what could've went wrong.

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