In Writing

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Fred was at the point that he was ready to tear every person that got in the way between him and the letter Mikayla left apart. It's been two days since Mikayla was taken, two days since Harry, Ron and Hermione began whatever mission Dumbledore assigned them, and two days of Order meetings being postponed. It was as if the universe was taunting him, or perhaps it was giving him time to fully understand what reading that letter would mean. Mikayla had been very cryptic when she was writing the letter a few days ago, she wouldn't let Fred see any part of it, and whenever he asked Mikayla would simply reply, "later."

Well it's later now, in fact it's so late that if the Order kept dragging their feet, Fred feared it would be too late. He knew that Mikayla was going to captive for the next four weeks, the thought alone turned his stomach, and believed that there would Death Eater attacks that Mikayla would want the Order to interfere in. He knew he wasn't the only one who's patience was wearing thin, they are yet to hear even a whisper about Mikayla's capture.

Remus believed that the Death Eaters would've leaked it to the Daily Prophet already to lure Harry out, but there has been nothing. There's been no Death Eater attacks since the Ministry's fall, or Mikayla's capture, and the main difference was that blood supremacists were being a whole lot more vocal about their views in Wizarding workplaces across the UK and Ireland. Pius Thicknesse has been made Minister of Magic, and it's clear to the whole Ministry that he's under the Imperius Curse.

So at six o'clock, Fred had to excuse himself from the Burrow after seeing the Headline on a rare copy of the Evening Daily Prophet that arrived at the Burrow minutes before.

'Is All Hope Is Lost? Mikayla Black Captured by You Know Who!'

The picture below it was Mikayla, strapped down a chair with Voldemort pointing his wand at her, as he asked her a question that no one could understand. What they did understand was Mikayla spitting at Voldemort, telling him to rot in hell. A picture next to it was Fergal punching Mikayla, who just rolled her eyes at him and sealed her own mouth shut. She looked horrendous, with a broken nose, swollen cheeks, a black eye and bruised neck, but she still wouldn't give them anything.

Fred meandered to Mikayla's favourite oak tree and sat at the trunk where they've resided many times before when either of them was upset, or needed to talk away from everyone else. Fred closed his eyes, half-way hoping that he'd feel Mikayla's weight against him as they would cuddle below the branches, as he listened to the sound of nature. The love of his life is being brutally tortured, yet the bird still sing, the breeze still rustles the leaves if the trees, and the frogs continue to croak as they hunt for insects to fill their stomachs. The world went on while Mikayla suffered, it was utterly maddening.

Fred stayed out there for almost an hour, until George came to get him, and stating that the whole Order has arrived. The meeting was about to start. Fred sighed, getting to feet silently as his brother wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "Mikayla knows what she's doing. And I know it's hard, the helplessness of it all, but Mikayla always bounces back." George tried to reassure his brother, but Fred was in a brooding mood, "not all of her does." Fred responded as they reached the kitchen door, George didn't say anything else. He knew his brother wasn't in the mood for talking, but he kept his arm around him to provide any sort of comfort.

Fred wasn't surprised to see that Brian Smirnov had appeared at the Order Meeting, he had read the news about Mikayla and decided that he could no longer standby and watch people get hurt. Out of the remaining thirty-five members of the Order, nineteen people agreed to read the letter and aid Mikayla in whatever the future holds. Fred wasn't resentful for the sixteen people who didn't, they all had good excuses, not that they had to explain themselves but they all did.

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