Plethora Of Power

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Mikayla didn't open her eyes until she was finally still, there was no more rippling sensations beneath her skin or angry grumbling of her  body protesting the change. "Wow! we are identical!" Fred and George remarked looking at each other as Harry, their clothes hanging shapelessly off of them, as they were now shorter and thinner than they were from moments ago. "Not yet you are not." Moody argued, flipping the sack he was holding upside and emptying out the contents onto the floor. The seven imposter Harry's stared at the pile of clothes for a moment.

"Hurry up and get dressed. You too, Harry." He mutter to the real Harry Potter beside him. Mikayla quickly sorted the clothes into eight piles, one in front of each Harry, before they all began getting dressed. "Haven't got something a bit more sporting, have you?" Fred asks as he picks up the red long sleeved t-shirt, "yeah, I don't really fancy this colour." George chimes in, Moody's patience was already thin and Mikayla was shocked he hadn't shouted at the twins yet. "Well fancy this, you are not you, so shut it and strip." Mikayla cringed as she felt very uncomfortable stripping her clothes off Harry's body.

Although she did find seeing her bra hanging on with dear life rather funny, it was struggling to stretch over Harry's wide chest. "Bill, look away, I'm hideous." Fleur begs her fiancé as she removes her lacy bralette, Mikayla let out a snort while pulling off her pants, "bit rude, Fleur. He is standing right there." She pointed out, gesturing to the real Harry with a nod. Fred stilled for a second after realising who had spoken, "Mikayla, are you wearing my boxers?" The curious amusement was evident in his tone, but didn't stop Mikayla from blushing. "Well yeah, I don't want to see any part of Harry's privates or see my underwear on his privates." Mikayla explain her logically thinking as she fastens the pants.

"Ugh, why did you have to put that image in my head?" George groans making Fred laugh. "I knew, Ginny was lying about that tattoo." Ron laughed trying to steer the conversation away from Harry privates or Harry in women's underwear. "I'm a little disappointed to be honest, it would've been a pretty cool tattoo." Mikayla comments as she pulls on Harry's shoes, "what was the tattoo supposed to be?" Fleur asked, seemingly more comfortable in her new appearance now that she's dressed. "A Hungarian Horntail across his chest." Ron responds with a smirk on his lips, making Fleur let out a small giggle.

The sound was strange coming from Harry's body, but Mikayla decided to keep that comment to herself as she pulled on Harry's glasses. "Harry, your eyesight really is awful." Hermione claims as she settled the round frames on her nose. Moody took in the sight of the eight Potters, once they had all finished changing into Harry's clothes and putting their own back in the sack for Kingsley to keep an eye on. "Right, then. Mundungus and Mikayla will be traveling with me, by broom." Moody announced the group of three first, "Why'm I with you?" grunted the Harry nearest the exit, Mundungus had been fighting against the group pairing since he was assigned to it. "Because you're the one that needs watching, after you were so tepid to partake in your own plan." Mikayla answered as she leaned against the wall beside the fireplace.

Moody's magical eye did not waver from Mundungus as he continued on, "as for the pairs, they will be as follows: Arthur and Fred." Moody gestured to towards them, "I'm George." Fred exclaimed trying to pull Moody's leg, "not the time to take the piss, Freddie." Mikayla warned him and the boy seemed to hear her warning as he watched the scowl on Moody's face. "George, you're with Remus. Miss Delacour-" Bill cut Moody off claiming that Fleur will be riding with him on one of the thestrals, apparently she's not very fond of flying with brooms. Fleur walked over to stand beside him, giving him a soppy, slavish look that made Mikayla want to laugh as Bill hides a wince from seeing such affection towards him on Harry Potter's face.

"Miss Granger with Kingsley, again by thestral–" Hermione looked reassured as she answered Kingsley's smile. "Harry, you're riding with Hagrid in the sidecar." Moody revealed, making the real Harry look up to the half-giant with a smile. "I brought you here 16 years ago when you were no bigger than a Bowtruckle, it seems only right that I should be the one to take you away now." Hagrid said with a rather sentimental look drawn on his face. "That leaves Ron, you're with Tonks, travelling on a broom." Ron seems less than enthusiastic to have been paired up with the clumsiest protector, but his genuine liking towards the bright women overpowered his worries. "Right. We leave from the front, gives us more of a run way. Grab your transport and let's go."

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