Morality Artistry

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A/N: Hello Everyone, I'm sorry there's been such a big waiting time between this and the last update. I had it written on my notes app and deleted it by mistake and then I was super busy at work. That's not an excuse, just an explanation. While I'm here, I have to announce that my publishing schedule will be reducing as of today. From now on, I'll be publishing one day a week as I'm going to be a lot busier at work. It's heading into the Christmas season, and I work in a toy shop, so my hours are going to increase and fluctuate weekly. I promise at the very least one chapter every Saturday. There can be more, it all depends on what hours I'm working. Thank you all for reading my book, I love you all x

Mikayla thought nothing of the fact that the reward money tripled overnight, even after the Order held an entire meeting about the new development. A lot of the more seasoned members suggested that Mikayla should take more a backseat position when it comes to the quest Dumbledore gave her. They wanted Mikayla to just predict the Death Eaters' attacks and not involve herself in the actual rescue missions, let the others do them without her. Mikayla would never allow that to happen because she believed that her life didn't carry any more value than anyone else in the Order.

She wasn't going to sit back and let the others risk their lives on her behalf, because of a stupid bounty. After a bit of back and forth, Mikayla didn't give in, and the rest of the Order stubbornly accepted her choice to keep leading the fights, and allowed her to change the main focus of the meeting to coming up with a plan to obstruct a Death Eater attack. A target was put on a starter half-blood author, Cairo Reynolds, after his first book hit the shelves; an exposé called 'Purely Poisonous: Our World's Dark History'.

The book went into great detail of all the horrific secrets, rituals, and crimes that were orchestrated by the Wizarding World's 'Purest families'. The book included a detailed list of all disowned squibs of Pureblood families, and what came of their lives after they were shunned by their own blood and erased from their family trees. Naturally, it has caught a lot of people's attention, selling out within the first few days of release, after it was branded a 'nonfactual defamation novel' by the Daily Prophet.

Since people have deemed the Daily Prophet as nothing more than a Voldemort Propaganda Pamphlet, everyone defying his regime rushed to get their own copy of the book. The book shines a light on just how immoral and twisted a lot of the Pureblood families were/are, and offers counter attacks to some of curses they specialised in. The traction the Northern Irish author received has unofficially put a price on his head. A summons has been released for him to appear in court to be publicly trialed for the breach of Obscene Publications Act 1959, a muggle law, and a world-wide recall of the book has been issued by the British Ministry.

Reynolds didn't show up for his trial yesterday, instead he sent a howler berating Thicknesse for trying to silence him and announcing to the public that he was working on sequel to his first work. Mikayla had received a heads up from Narcissa in the early hours of the morning, via a very detailed Patronus, explaining Voldemort's plan. Narcissa's Patronus included the co-ordinates of Reynolds' home, acquired from confidential Ministry documents, to make her job easier in thwarting the Death Eaters attack.

Cairo lives with his muggle wife, Úna, in a cottage on the outskirts of Sundry Valley, a half-magical town in County Fermanagh, by the shoreline of Lough Erne. Kingsley and Remus lead the discussion in formulating new stratagems because the Death Eaters have started to see a pattern in the Order's defensive tactics, and the last few fights have had a lot of close calls. Pepper Collins and Loralie Montgomery decided to no longer take part in these missions, during the last fight they were both targeted by most of the Death Eaters for being Muggleborns. Pepper left the Order completely to go into hiding with her Muggle family.

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