The Crimes of Rodney O'Brien

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CW/TW: This chapter contains sexual assault of a young child. I ask you all to read this chapter with caution, do not subject yourself to harmful content if you relate to the situation discussed throughout this part. I will place a warning before and after the parts that contains the details of this sensitive topic for you to skip.

Mikayla felt her skin crawl as the next tragic event in her life came crawling out of the depts of her subconscious, she had blocked this memory out for over eleven years, and there was very few alive that knew about it. His name made her feel sick to the stomach, and the unresolved feelings of betrayal festered in her chest, as she was reminded of the horrors she went through on the eighteenth of September, 1986. She and Avery had been left in the care of their uncle, Rodney O'Brien, and his wife, Cassetta, while their parents were away on separate research trips for work. They both left on September 15th and returned September 21st, however the damage was already done by the time they returned.

"It was half way through that week when it happened, Cassetta wanted to bring her 'favourite' out on a day trip to the local Quidditch stadium to meet the team. Which left me alone in Carra Manor with uncle Rodney..." Mikayla began, her heart racing as residual panic began to flood her brain, "Rodney had always been kind to me, he always took my side whenever Cassetta was being particularly cruel or trying to exclude me from outings. This time had been different, he didn't argue for Cassetta to bring me too, or suggest that all four of us went to the stadium, instead he told me not to worry and that we'd have fun without them."

Mikayla felt Fred shift his weight, he had moved slightly away from her knowing that she was going to need space to tell this whole story. The look on his face showed her that he had already figured out what the traumatic incident Mikayla was beginning to share. He looked angry and disgusted, and Mikayla knew those feelings weren't towards her but the villain of this particular tale, Rodney. "The day started out fine, we went to the orchard on the estate and picked apples for about an hour, but he insisted I held his hand the whole time, said he was worried I'd get lost."

⌛︎ September 18th, 1986 ⌛︎

Rodney knelt down on one knee, making sure he was eye level with the blonde six year-old in front of him. "It's a very big place, Mikayla, and your parents will kill me if you got lost or hurt while I'm supposed to be looking after you." Mikayla pouted at his words, "but I won't get lost, and I promise to be extra careful and not fall." Rodney shook his head no, telling her that she had to hold his hand or they were going back inside. Mikayla didn't want to be stuck inside the house, it was a really hot day, and Rodney had promised to bring her down to the Lake after lunch to teach her how to swim since Fergal wasn't home.

He often disagreed with how his brother was raising his daughters, treating Mikayla as an unwanted spare, while conditioning Avery to believe that she was better than others her age. Mikayla had heard them arguing about it before, Rodney stated that she was a bright, beautiful child with a kind heart and should be treated as such. Mikayla got a beating after he left because of the praise her uncle spouted about her, claiming she had put him up to it. Sighing in defeat, the six year-old didn't struggle against Rodney's grip, allowing him to lead the way as they searched for the best apples for Peppy to make apple tarts later.

Everything was just fine until a fox appear out of nowhere, scaring the blonde, making her fall backwards, slamming her shoulder blade off of a rock that was half buried in the ground. Not wanting to get in trouble for 'being overly sensitive', Mikayla bit back the sobs that shook her bottom lip. She turned her head down as she got back up to her feet, using her hair to hide her trembling lip as she internally berated herself for being so clumsy. "Are you alright, honey?" Rodney asked after scaring away the fox, Mikayla nodded her head yes, afraid if she spoke that her sobs would break free. Taking her silence as a sign, Rodney kneeled down and lifted the six year-old's chin. Her wide ocean eyes glossy with unfallen tears, and her bottom lip between her teeth to hide it's wobbles.

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