Phoenix Preparations

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"Good, everyone is here. Mikayla, do you want to give us some insight on what made you suddenly leave the meeting?" Mikayla simply shook her head no, before explaining that it would take too long for her to fill them in, promising to do it after the mission. "Do you know, Fred?" Arthur asked, "yeah, she's right. It'll require a lengthy explanation that we don't have time for right now." Fred responds leaning against the doorframe. "And it's safe?" Remus queried nervously, "it's the safest option we have..." Mikayla offered but that didn't seem to ease anyone's mind. Kingsley pulled out a map of Sundry that had a lot of unnamed colourful markings.

He was trying to steer the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic and back to the task at hand. "Team 1 is white, 2 is green, 3 is blue, 4 is pink and 5 is yellow." Mikayla made a point to lean forward to see the map better, making sure everyone got the hint that there's nothing more she's going to say this side of the fight. "Team one, will be using Mikayla's Portkey to get into the Reynolds back garden." Kingsley spoke gesturing to the three white circles on the map. "It'll keep us out of Death Eater's eyeline for about five minutes to fill the Reynolds in about the incoming attack. Mikayla is then going to Portkey Úna, and possibly Cairo if he doesn't want to fight, to team five by the woods that boarders Sundry, alright?"

Remus looked at Mikayla wanting to make sure she was content with her role in the pre-battle plan. She smiled reassuringly at her godfather, giving him a simple nod to show her compliance with the plan. "Team two will be covering the east side of town, and team three are doing the same for the westside. Team four will start with evacuating from the houses next to the Reynolds, leading them up north to team five. Team five you're in charge of crowd control, making sure they're quiet and protected by strong wards. We don't need the civilians to draw the Death Eaters attention." Arthur lists out the rest of the teams jobs, pointing to the many coloured points of the match.

"If we call a code red, team five are to assist with the fight, covering the north side while team four takes over in muggle protection. Death Eaters might target them when they realised that we've taking them out of their homes." Alicia, Lee and Faolan confirm that they understand that they'll be acting as the Order's backup reinforcements if they get overwhelmed by Death Eaters. "The Death Eaters will all be apparating to the statue of Shan Bullock in the centre of the town square. I want everyone well hidden, we have to try and take some of them down before they figure out where any of us are, and without any of us getting caught in the crossfire." Mikayla firmly instructed, so that there was no confusion that it was really an order.

"The second they appear, Fleur, George and Arthur are to cast smokescreen charms, you're to fill the entire square with smoke, everyone else is to fire as many debilitating spells they can possible do into the square..." Kingsley went on to narrate the plan, how it'll take the Death Eaters a while to clear the smoke. Mikayla confirming that they'll start throwing curses randomly through the smoke before even thinking of clearing it, taking down some of their own troops. "When they start trying, Fred, Mikayla and Séan will release Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder into the air, it will react with the smokescreen charm and turn the smoke black."

Arthur chipped in to say once the smoke is black everyone is to move from their cover, they're to spread out and surround the edges of the square, essentially boxing the Death Eaters in. "You have three minutes to get into position before Narcissa vacuums the black smoke, clearing the square. After that, everyone is focused on fighting whoever is close to them. Draco and Narcissa will be going straight for me, no one else is to touch them, it's got to me that duels them." Mikayla voiced sternly, she wasn't going to let an awry or targeted spell interfere with her deal with Narcissa.

"Team four, you'll need to work together to go unnoticed by the Death Eaters. Danny, you'll need to silence everyone's movements, make sure that none of you or the civilians can be heard. Samuel, you're a master at disillusionment charms, you'll have to keep everyone out of sight. And Belvine, you've got the strongest protection spells out of everyone, you'll have to shield everyone as you head for the woods." Remus assigns as it was clear to they were the most high risk team, if they're caught they'll be killed without hesitation. The Death Eaters like to play games, and have clever duels with the senior members of the Order.

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