Prepping and Promises

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Molly Weasley couldn't accept that Mikayla had denied her offer to help her with cooking Christmas dinner. She knew the young girl was an amazing cook, but Molly has been making feasts for years and she wasn't going to stop now. After giving Arthur a kiss goodbye, he was heading off to meet Kingsley at Godric's Hollow to help him bury Bathilda Bagshot's remains, Molly gathered her cooking supplies and apparated to Carra Manor. She knew that there would be no way that she would surprise the young couple because of Mikayla's gifts, but she also knew they wouldn't turn her away either.

Molly didn't even have to knock on the front door, as it swung open revealing her pyjamas clad son. "Morning and Merry Christmas, Mum." Fred smiled brightly, wrapping his mother into a big squeezing hug. "Merry Christmas, son." Molly voice was muffled against Fred's chest, but the message got through either way. Fred let go of his mother, taking her cooking supplies from her, despite her argument against the action before leading her towards the kitchen. Molly takes the small journey as a chance to really admire the decorations Mikayla and Fred set up, it was all so beautiful.

 Molly takes the small journey as a chance to really admire the decorations Mikayla and Fred set up, it was all so beautiful

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Mikayla was also still in her pyjamas, an apron thrown over the top of them as she washed her vegetables the Muggle way, hair pulled into a messy bun

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Mikayla was also still in her pyjamas, an apron thrown over the top of them as she washed her vegetables the Muggle way, hair pulled into a messy bun. She and Fred hadn't been up for long, they just finished opening their presents from everyone minutes ago, knowing that it was best to get most of it out of the way before the party. Mikayla looked up as Fred and Molly entered the room, a massive smile etching itself onto her face as she put down the bag of Brussels sprouts and rushed over to greet Molly. Engulfing her adoptive mother in a hug, dropping a friendly kiss on her cheek as she spouts out a festive greeting before pulling away.

"Thank Merlin, you're here. We overslept, and wanted to get gifts out of the way before company arrived. But since we took so long, Kreacher was called to return to Hogwarts to help with the Christmas feast and I just realised that I have no idea what I'm doing." Mikayla admitted as she moved back to her Brussels sprouts, pouring the vegetables into a colander before running cold water over them. Molly watched the young girl careful, trying to pick up any sign of annoyance of her presence in Mikayla's body language. Mikayla just looked a little overwhelmed and frustrated with her lack of direction.

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