Picture Perfect

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As soon as everyone was settled at the enlarged dinner table, there was a thundering knock on the front door, and everyone was on their feet immediately. Griphook hid beneath the table while Fleur silently ushers Ollivander into the hot press, and the rest draw their wands, spreading out across the kitchen and sitting room. "Who is it?" Bill called as the knocking started again, "Remus John Lupin." A familiar voice shouts, battling to be heard over the howling wind, "I am a werewolf married to Nymphadora Tonks, godfather to Mikayla Black, and you, the Secret Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me this address and told me to come when I have urgent news or when I'm facing an emergency!" Bill ran to the door, wrenching it open and fighting to keep it that way as Remus fell over the threshold and into the house.

His face was pale and burnt by the chilling sea wind, shivering in the cocoon of his travelling cloak with his greying hair windswept, sticking up in all directions. He straightened up when Bill forced the door shut, looking around the room to check who was there, a smile etching its way onto his face as he announced the birth of his son. Mikayla broke out in a brilliant smile when she saw the waves of joy rolling off Remus, his aura glowing a sun-like yellow. Cries of delight followed the announcement, but Remus beelined straight towards Mikayla and wrapped her up in his arms. "Thank you for stopping me from being an idiot." He whispers in her ear, her heart melting at his gratitude, "It's what family is for, Moony, and I just know that you're going to be the most amazing Dad."

The pair parted ways, no one commenting on the tears welling in their eyes as Remus moved to hug Harry beside her. Ron wraps an arm around Mikayla's shoulder, pulling her in close to rest her head on his shoulder and recollect herself as Harry and Remus whispered to one another. When their embrace ended, Remus rested a hand on both Mikayla and Harry's shoulders, looking at them in some sort of daze from his own happiness. They waited patiently for him to speak, their smiles wide as they looked at him. "You'll be his godparents, right?" Mikayla's lip wobbled as a wave of emotions flooded her entire being after Remus' words, while Harry stammered to ask if he's sure he wants him to be his godfather. "Yes, of course I am. Dora agrees that there is no one we trust better than you two to look after our son. So, will you do it? Will you be Teddy's godparents?"

The pair shared a look of astonishment and overwhelming delight evident on both of their faces, looking back at Remus in awe. "We would be honoured to." Mikayla finally manages to say, tears of joy spilling from her eyes and slowly sliding down her cheeks. Harry was unable to speak and just began nodding enthusiastically as they both felt a surge of responsibility and love for the little boy already. Remus smile widened, despite everyone thinking it wasn't possible for it to do so, relieved and grateful for their acceptance. He knew that Teddy would be in good hands with Mikayla and Harry as his godparents. The bond between them was already strong, and he had no doubt that they would take care of Teddy as if he were their own if something ever happened to him and Tonks.

Bill and Fleur rush to pour a glass of wine for everyone after Remus explains that he couldn't stay long. Mikayla knew that this was of his own accord, as he didn't want to be away from his baby boy or his wife for longer than needed. Fatherhood was a good look on Remus, who looked younger than anyone present has seen him, as his unconfined happiness smoothed the edges of the agony he's faced in his short lifetime. "Oh, who does he look like most, Remus?" Hermione questioned after accepting a goblet of wine from Fleur. "Well, I think he looks like Dora, but she's convinced that he's the spit of me. It's hard to tell, especially considering the little hair he has is constantly changing colour. Oh, that reminds me, I've got pictures."

Before Remus has a chance to root through his pockets to find the slip of Polaroids taken over the last 36 hours, Bill hands him a goblet of wine and leads a toast. A wish for Teddy's good health, Tonks' speedy recovery, Remus taking fatherhood by the horns, and the Lupin family growing in the most beautiful way. The clinking of glasses and murmurs of agreement fill the room as Remus raises his goblet, feeling a warmth in his chest at the support and love surrounding him. He takes a sip of the wine, savouring the moment and feeling grateful for his chosen family. The goblets drain quickly, a soft murmur of anticipation filling the room as Remus begins passing out moving photographs of his baby boy.

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