Break Free

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TW: Violence and Reference to 'Suicide' of a Main OC Character

In the early hours of the morning, Mikayla's wolf ears perked up at the sound of the Death Eaters returning from the Dover Battle. "No, don't tell the Dark Lord just yet. It could be a fake." Fergal shouted at whoever it was that was telling him to alert Voldemort of Mikayla's escape. "O'Brien, are you blind? Did you not see how she was fighting? She was reading your body language." Lucius argued although his voice sound frail with fear of speaking against Fergal. "Shut it, Lucius. I'll prove it, I'll go get her." Fergal announced.

Mikayla heard the door for the small room opening and closing, she moved silently into a good position to pounce. She can hear Fergal's muttered curses at the fact that the wardrobe was strangely silent. He couldn't hear the Boggart's usual taunting of the blonde, which sends a shiver down his spine. Mikayla holds her breath, as she listens as Fergal come to a stop in front of the wardrobe. A ceremonious snap sounded moments later, alerting her that all spells were removed from the wardrobe.

Mikayla bursted out of the wardrobe before Fergal would spell the Boggart unconscious, her front paws hitting him straight in the chest. A crack sounds as Mikayla's force breaks one of Fergal's ribs, and she quickly bolts behind the wardrobe to return to her human self. Mikayla blinks furiously for her eyes to adjust to the light, as crackling sounds echo in the small room as Boggart takes shape into Fergal's biggest fear.

Mikayla summons her belongings, that happened to be stuffed in a drawer by the door in the room, coming to a stop at the sound of her own voice. Fergal's Boggart became her, the day she had visited him in Azkaban to get the Horcrux memory, and was repeating every venomous word she had said and more. How he may not of tied the noose around Avery's neck but he killed her. He trapped her in the same life he had tried to run from, he stole her choice and seeing no way to get out of the Blood Vow that he made, Avery was pushed to killing herself.

"N-no. It wasn't me, I didn't hurt her. I would never hurt her..." Fergal stammered through the quiet sobs that overtook his body. "Liar!" Avery's voice bellows, the Boggart shifting into her instead of the blonde, which forcing Mikayla out of her frozen state. Once her belongings were secured in her hand and her eyes no longer blurred by the lights, Mikayla appeared from behind the wardrobe and tackled Fergal to the ground. Confusing the Boggart that kept cracking and changing shape as Mikayla and Fergal wrestled on the ground.

Shouts, punches, scratches and kicks were being thrown around as the pair rolled around on the floor, until Mikayla got the upper hand. Using all the momentum she could, she spun them around until she was pinning Fergal to the ground. Mikayla repeatedly slammed his hand against the tiled floor with every ounce of strength she had, forcing Fergal's wand from his hand. Mikayla grabbed the wand quickly forcing Fergal into a Full Body Bind before knocking him unconscious.

Mikayla quickly scrambles to her feet, altering Fergal's memory, in the small chance he saw her wolf form as the door bursts open, revealing a panicked Lucius and a manic Bellatrix. Mikayla quickly stunned the pair before they fully process the situation, sending them flying across the hall and against the wall. With a flick of her hand Mikayla disarmed the pair, and a wave of Fergal's wand she trapped them as they began sinking into the cream wall like they were in quicksand. As she walked out of the small bare room, the wardrobe bursted into flames and began filling the room with black smoke that followed the blonde out into the hallway.

Narcissa managed to clip her on the hip with a stinging hex, while simultaneously alerting her of four Death Eaters running towards her, the Lestrange brothers, Rowle and Dolohov. "Arresto Momentum!" Mikayla bellowed forcing everyone in the Manor to move in slow motion, as proceed to activate her Evasion skills. Mikayla presses her hands together in front of her chest as if she was praying like the Muggle did to their metaphysical leader. She made sure to look at each of her attackers in the eyes, before rotating her hands 90 degrees away from her chest, towards her opponents before straightening them out in order to point directly at her enemies.

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