Ginny's Gift

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When the dishes were done, Molly asked her to pile Harry's presents onto the table. The boys arrived just as she had finished, "Arthur told me to wish you a happy seventeenth, Harry," Mrs. Weasley beamed at Harry, "he had to leave early for work, but he'll be back for dinner. That's our present on top." Harry sat down and took the small square parcel Mikayla handed to him that was from Molly and Arthur, unwrapping it. Inside was gold watch with stars circling around the face instead of hands.

"It's traditional to give a wizard a watch when he comes of age," Molly explained as she watched him anxiously from beside the cooker. Harry smiled gently as he took in the sight of the watch, "I'm afraid that one isn't new like Mikayla's and Ron's. It was actually my brother Fabian's and he wasn't terribly careful with his possessions, it's a bit dented on the back, but-" Molly's nervous rambles were lost, as Harry rushed to his feet and embraced her in a hug that said all the thanks he couldn't verbalise.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" Hermione beamed hurrying into the kitchen from the downstairs bathroom that she had been asked to clean. Picking up the box that contained the present she had gotten him, handing it straight to Harry once he sat back down. "It's not much, but I hope you like it." Hermione stated before looking to Mikayla and Ron, "what did you two get him?" Mikayla just said that she got him seventeen gifts, like she had done for her and Ron, but Ron pretended that he hadn't heard her.

"Come on, then, open Hermione's!" Ron chimed excitedly, a big smile on his face. Hermione had bought him a new Sneakoscope, something she believed would be handy for their mission. Surprisingly Molly was in too much of a good mood to start another interrogation of what their mission entailed. The other packages contained an enchanted razor from Bill and Fleur, chocolates from the Delacours, and an enormous box of the latest Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes merchandise from Fred and George. "The others wanted to wait until dinner to give you their gifts." Mikayla added, as she cleaned up the pile of wrapping paper.

The foursome didn't linger in the kitchen for long, Molly was too distracted to remember that she's supposed to be keeping them separate. "I'll pack these for you," Hermione decided brightly, taking Harry's presents out of his arms as the four of them headed up to Ron's room. "I'm nearly done, I'm just waiting for the rest of your underpants to come out of the wash, Ron-" Ron's splutter was interrupted by the opening of Ginny's bedroom door across from Ron's. "Harry, will you come in here a moment?" Ron came to an abrupt halt, but Mikayla and Hermione took him by the elbows and pulled him into his bedroom, Mikayla locking the door behind them.

"But what she possibly want Harry alone for? In her bedroom nonetheless?" Ron questioned loudly, Hermione shushed his volume. "Maybe she wanted to talk to him, Ron. Just because they aren't dating anymore doesn't mean that they don't care for each other." Hermione tried, knowing that Ron was starting to get hotheaded and that helped no one. "Or maybe she's giving him his birthday present. It might be something meaningful, that she doesn't want her brother's to rip into during Harry's party. Fred and George still haven't let her live down that ghastly love poem from second year."

A collective shiver ran through each of their bodies as they all remembered the poem, it truly wasn't Ginny's best work. "I don't like this... why would Ginny need to hide Harry in her room to give him her present?" As he spoke, Ron's face flushed red as the steamy and unyielding scenarios that poisoned his mind. "Don-" Ron cut Mikayla off, reaching for the door and opening it with force. Mikayla and Hermione quickly try to stop him but he hits them with a Knockback Jinx so that he can create some distance between him and the girls.

The distance was just enough that he was able to burst into Ginny's room, and unveil Ginny and Harry lip locked in an intense make out session, Ginny's bedroom door smacking off the wall is what forced the pair apart, both shocked at the sudden interruption. "Oh." Ron said pointedly, with a blank expression on his face as he feigned an apology. You could see the anger bubbling behind his eyes, but he was swallowing his anger to prevent a public display that would just embarrass all parties.

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