Gifts For The Kids

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The Christmas feast at Carra Manor went without a hitch, sharing stories of past Christmases while gorging on the fantastic food that Molly, Mikayla and Kreacher had prepared for them all. After the table was cleared of any trace of the feast with a wave of Mikayla's wand, two Christmas crackers appeared in front of each guest older than two. One of the crackers was a normal one, while the others were joke crackers that Mikayla created. She didn't want to use Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes ones as it would give Fred and George an advantage to decipher them and avoid getting pranked.

It had been Ginny's idea, as George and Fred were always the pranksters, and never the pranked. The pair strategically picked up the joke ones first, Mikayla challenging George while Ginny challenged Fred. Two loud bangs echoed through the room, followed by a flash of green and blue, making everyone turn towards the sound. Mikayla watched as the green powder that sprayed all over George, seeped into his skin, causing him his skin to turn forest green and scales to appear. Mikayla almost gave herself whiplash as she watched Fred turn navy blue as feathers began to appear all over him.

Mikayla slapped her hand over her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter as her eyes began to become glossy with joyous tears. Ginny didn't bother to smother her hysterical laughter, as it crackled from her mouth and echoed in the room for a few seconds before the rest of the room began laughing along. Mikayla reached for the little slip of paper inside the cracker she won against George. She unfolded it to reveal the traditional terrible joke, "what do you use to get paint off a snake?" She pauses for dramatic effect before delivering the punchline, "Serpentine!"

Fred snorted at the terrible joke, sending everyone into another fit of laughter. Mikayla made a note to thank Ron for his help in writing the jokes for her prank crackers. Ginny rushed to grab her joke after encouraged by Fleur, Mikayla and Tonks to do so. "Why are ravens so smart?" Most of the table shrugged their shoulders, none of them knowing where the joke was heading, "because they spend all their time hanging out at caw-ledge." Ginny announced breathlessly, she hadn't recovered from her previous laughter fit, yet was tumbling into another one.

"Did you make these?" George questions once he got his breath back, examining the broken Christmas cracker, trying to figure out how it differed from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes ones. "It was Ginny's idea, I just made it, we didn't want to give you and Freddie an advantage by using your joke crackers." Mikayla responded as she situated the red jester crown, from the winning side of the cracker, on top of her head. "Are they all based off of the Hogwarts houses?" Ginny shook her head no, that every cracker was different, she just thought the Hogwarts ones would be the funniest if used on the twins.

With the knowledge that some of their crackers prank devices, that would wear off fairly fast as the twins began to return to normal, everyone else around the table began pulling crackers. It take long for over half of the table to be a random coloured animal, from a grey goose to a purple cat. The winners of the crackers put on their colourful range of jester hats, before going down the line and reading the terrible jokes that Mikayla put inside each cracker that related to the animal the loser became.

What are goose bumps for?
To slow the geese down.

Why did the cow have no toes?
Because he was lack toes intolerant.

How does a penguin build its house?
Igloos it together.

Did you hear about the stampede of otters that broke free from the aquarium?
It was otter chaos.

Where do mice park their boats?
At the hickory dickory dock.

Why is a tortoise not able to stand up?
Because they have a reptile dysfunction

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