Risk Awareness

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The next book Hermione picked up was Hogwarts: A History. Turning it over to read the synopsis on the back of it. "Listen," Harry began as he straightened up in his seat. Ron and Hermione looked at him with similar mixtures of resignation and defiance. While Mikayla wore amusement, as she lounged back against the wall and began to to play with her rings. "I know you said after Dumbledore's funeral that you wanted to come with me..." Harry paused for a split second, giving Ron the opportunity to pitch in, "here he goes," Ron looked to Hermione, while rolling his eyes. "As we knew he would," Ron sighed, and Hermione turned back to the books.

"You know, I think I will take Hogwarts: A History. Even if we're not going back there, I don't think I'd feel right if I didn't have it with me." Hermione verbally decided as she placed the book into her 'bring' pile. "That's a good idea. Voldemort has a deep connection to Hogwarts, it might give you a bit of insight on him." Mikayla pointed out before Ron also voiced to bring Hogwarts: A History along with them. "Listen!" Harry tried again, but it was Hermione that spoke out against what he was undoubtedly trying to do. "No, Harry, you listen. We're coming with you. That was decided months ago. Years ago, really. If you think about it. So don't bother trying to convince us otherwise." Harry scowled at Hermione for shutting him down quickly.

"Yeah, if it weren't for my own mission, I'd go with you too." Mikayla told him, "But-" Ron advised Harry to shut up and just accept their help. "Are you sure you've thought this through? What you'll be risking by coming with me?" Harry persisted and the room fell silent. Mikayla, Ron and Hermione silently began communicating with each other via looks and Mikayla seemed to draw the short straw. "We've thought it through, Harry. Ron and Hermione know what's at risk, and we've all prepared for the worst, I made sure of it." Harry turned to the blonde, asking what she meant by that.

"I'm going to fulfil my smokescreen duties on the night that you three leave. I'll be captured by Death Eaters, and brought to one of their safe houses. I need you to promise that you won't come and try to save me, Harry." Harry looked close to tears at Mikayla's request, "but-" Mikayla shook her head, "no buts, Harry. He will use me to get to you. I need you not let him, okay? Can you promise me that you won't let him? No matter what you see in his head when you're asleep." Harry reluctantly promises to not try and save Mikayla. Ron revealed to Harry that he and Hermione have also swore not to come to Mikayla's rescue.

"Look, I know how to escape, I just need to do as much damage to the Death Eater ranks as I can while I'm there and time the escape right so that I don't put the Weasleys in danger. Once I'm out of captivity, I'll be doing most of the missions alone. There will be a bounty out for my head, and I will not have many friends no matter where I go. I won't be returning to any of the Order safe houses, and I won't have much contact with anyone in the Order after I'm free. The more they know about what I'm up to, the more at risk they are. You three and Fred are the only ones that know about this because I know he'll try to lure you lot to him to save me. You've each given me your word to not fall for his tactics, and all I ask of you is to keep it."

"How is you doing it all alone good for anyone? You could get hurt or killed!" Harry argued, it was clear he wasn't truly angry with her but devastated that she was sacrificing so much to be his shield. "If the fates will it, then it shall happen. I've made peace with the possibility of my death, Harry, but I will fight my hardest to survive. So after the war is done, I can finally live." Harry looked at the blonde for a moment, "it's my choice, Harry. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it because you won't change my mind." Mikayla added when Harry opened his mouth to argue against her. "I've already tried." Ron added, before Hermione too voiced that she too attempt to convince Mikayla to form a different plan.

"Okay, fine. But what about Hermione and Ron? Their families will be targeted the second he realises that they're helping me. Are you two really prepared for everything that we will face?" Harry asked, "let's see," Hermione said while slamming Travels with Trolls onto the discarded pile with a rather fierce look at Harry. "I've been packing for days, so we're ready to leave at a moment's notice, which for your information has included doing some pretty difficult magic, not to mention smuggling Mad-Eye's whole stock of Polyjuice Potion right under Ron's mum's nose." Hermione paused to swallow the lump forming in her throat, as she fought off the tears that were flooding in her eyes, before continuing on.

"Mikayla and I have modified my parents' memories so that they're convinced they're really called Wendell and Monica Wilkins, and that their life's ambition is to move to Australia, which they have now done. That's to make it more difficult for Voldemort to track them down and interrogate them about me – or you, because unfortunately, I've told them quite a bit about you. Assuming I survive our hunt for the Horcruxes, I'll find Mum and Dad and lift the enchantment and Mikayla will return their memories. If I don't – well, we've casted a good enough charm to keep them safe and happy for the rest of their lives. Wendell and Monica Wilkins don't know that they've got a daughter, you see."

Ron got off his bed and made his way over to Hermione to comfort her as she began to cry. He put his arm around her, and supplied her a clean handkerchief from his pocket. He sent a disapproving frown Harry's way, scolding him for his lack of tact in such a sensitive topic for Hermione. Harry looked at a completely loss of words, in his defence it was highly unusual for Ron to be teaching anyone else tact. "I- Hermione, I'm sorry. I didn't-" Hermione cut Harry's rushed apologies off, "you didn't realise that Ron and I know perfectly well what might happen if we come with you? Well, we do. Ron, show Harry what you've done."

Ron hesitated following Hermione's order, pointing out that it's not long since they've eaten. "Go on, Ron. Harry needs to know." Mikayla pitched in, getting to her feet to replace Ron's hold on Hermione and let her best friend soak the shoulder of her blouse with tears. "Oh, all right. Harry, follow me." Ron instructed as he made his way towards the door, Harry got up and followed Ron out of the room and the pair of them disappeared upstairs, heading for the attic. While they were alone, Mikayla and Hermione moved back to the camp bed. Hermione laid down and rested her head on Mikayla's lap, Mikayla hummed softly as she gently played with Hermione's hair.

Ron and Harry returned to the room about ten minutes, both of them settling down on Ron's bed, so they wouldn't disturb the girls. "Once we've left, the ghoul's going to come and live down here in my room," Ron explained as he adjusted his pillows to a more comfortable position. "I think he's really looking forward to it– well, it's hard to tell, because all he can do is moan and drool– but he nods a lot when you mention it. Anyway, he's going to be me with Spattergroit. Good, eh?" Ron's relay of his brilliant plan was met with Harry's utter silence and confusion.

"It is!" Ron exclaimed, clearly frustrated that Harry had not grasped the brilliance of the plan. "Ron, he doesn't know what Spattergroit is." Mikayla chipped in, making Harry look over at her for guidance. "Spattergroit is a highly-contagious Wizarding disease caused by an infectious fungus, that can leave people bed-ridden for several months. It causes your skin to break out in purple pustules, and if it reaches your uvula you lose the ability to speak, in extreme case could even cause memory loss." Mikayla delineated casually, before turning her attention back to Hermione, who has finally stopped crying.

As Hermione leaves Mikayla's embrace to begin sorting her books again, not wanting to address her mood swings lately. "Look, when the three of us don't turn up at Hogwarts again, everyone's going to think Hermione and I must be with you, right? Which means the Death Eaters will go straight for our families to see if they've got information on where you are." Ron clarifies his reasoning behind his Spattergroit Ghoul. "Hopefully it'll look like I've gone away with Mum and Dad; a lot of Muggleborns are talking about going into hiding," Hermione interpolated in Ron's momentary pause, "we can't hide my whole family, it'll look too fishy and they can't all leave their jobs," Ron points out, which made Harry nod his head in agreement.

"So we're going to put out the story that I'm seriously ill with Spattergroit, which is why I can't go back to school. If anyone comes calling to investigate, Mum or Dad can show them the ghoul in my bed, covered in pustules. And because Spattergroit's really contagious, so they're not going to want to go near him. And it won't matter that he can't say anything, because as Mikayla said, you can't talk once the fungus has spread to your uvula."

It truly was a genius plan, Mikayla was surprised when Ron had pitched it to her first, but she couldn't think of a better way to cover up why Ron's not in school. "And your mum and dad are in on this plan?" Harry questioned, it was clear in his voice that he didn't believe that Molly or Arthur would agreed to Ron's plan. "Dad is. He helped Fred and George transform the ghoul. Mum... well, you've seen what she's like. She won't accept that we're going until we're gone."

The room fell into silence once again, broken only by gentle thuds as Hermione continued to throw books onto one pile or the other. Mikayla was laying down on the camp bed, magically cleaning the cobwebs from the ceiling light. Ron sat watching Hermione, with a small smile on his face and Harry looked at each of them, unable to say a word. It felt strange how calm and casual they were about the whole situation.

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