Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 Disgusting

    The journey to the south is long, and Xiaocheng has prepared a lot of things, so it is easy to attract the attention of others.

    Ling Qiu asked him to wait far away, while she and her two servants pretended to be beggars and went out of the capital overnight.

    The beautiful women who enter the palace have to dress up well. Before dawn, the mother-in-law of the second wife's yard knocked on the door, intending to break in and drag her up.

    "I've never seen someone so lazy. It's almost dawn and you still don't wake up. You're dead asleep!" The woman was as arrogant and domineering as Ling Yuexiang.

    She knocked several times but no one answered, so she simply called two male servants and knocked open Lingqiu's dilapidated door.

    Through the candlelight held by the mother-in-law, in the dim light, the bed can still be seen bulging, as if Lingqiu is still sleeping.

    The mother-in-law just went up and slapped her. She slapped the bump hard, but she was surprised that it didn't feel right.

    As soon as the quilt was lifted, there were two soft pillows wrapped in the quilt.

    The mother-in-law was stunned, and immediately shouted twice in a panic: "It's over, it's over!"

    She also has a share in the task of guarding Ling Qiu, and now that Ling Qiu has escaped, her life is in danger!

    The servants who followed her were also at a loss, and could only keep asking the woman in charge: "What should we do? Now we must be beaten to death by the second lady!" The woman was also terrified, and broke the candle with both hands

    . up.

    "Don't make any noise!"

    The old woman was annoyed by their yelling, so she said simply, "Go and pack up your things. Before anyone else finds out, let's go quickly.

    " Dou?" Some maids simply collapsed on the ground and burst into tears.

    But I didn't want the woman to drag her by the arm to pull her up,

    and said with a ferocious face: "I tell you to shut up!" cry.

    Her ears were cleared, and the mother-in-law exhaled a sigh of relief, and said with a gloomy face: "Let's go to the Marquis of Sui'an to sue the Second Madam for trying to deceive the Holy Majesty, and find a concubine daughter to enter the palace instead of a concubine daughter.

    " To a big man like Marquis Sui'an. But the Marquis of Sui'an and the Right Minister are at odds. If the Right Minister commits such a serious crime of deceiving the emperor, I believe that even if it is for evidence, the people of the Marquis of Sui'an will have to save their lives.

    Afterwards, she admitted whether she was sold as a slave or kicked out, but she didn't want to fall into the hands of the second lady.

    Having been a servant by her side for several years, the mother-in-law's legs feel weak when she thinks about the second lady's methods.

    Together these servants unintentionally concealed Ling Qiu's escape.

    When the people in the palace came soon, the Right Prime Minister's Mansion found out that Lingqiu and a group of servants had disappeared together.

    The missing servants all came from the second wife's courtyard, and many concubines made trouble, and the right prime minister scolded the second wife severely.

After meeting my dead wife, I became the hero's rival in loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora