Chapter 10

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"Freen!" Nam slammed her hand on the table but earning nothing from freen.

"Oi stupidity!" Tee slammed her hands too makes freen startled and put away her hand that rest above her chin. Kate chuckled and shooking her head. Freen then sit straightly before looking onto the three of her friends aka gang with his lazy annoyed cold eyes. The three of them then sighing and wearing their weird face.

"What's wrong with you?! You're rarely daydreaming. But today... something is off. Are you hungry or what?" Nam said, as she as werewolf also a friends of freen. Yes, the three of them is also a werewolf. A werewolf but not as close as Heng. Heng is freen's childhood friends but them is just a Friend who support and know freen as a grand-child of the lord-wolf. They respect her even though they are a little bit rude and likes to tease freen for being cold and her unbothered attitude.

"What happened. Tell us."


"Nothing means something!" The three of them shouts in unison makes freen look around as all of the people eyes were on them.

"Oh im sorry.." Nam them bowing her head a little to the others people who is also in this restaurant.

"Yes. Tell us freen. We all know you. We already being friends for 10 years! What do you think?! We knew exactly who and how you are. If something or the problems you think you can't solve alone, we are here to help you." Tee said makes freen look at them coldly. Freen somehow have the intention to tell them but....

"Is it about lord-wolf,Your grandmother? or about—-"

"No. There is nothing. I just... tired." Freen said coldly and grab her wine glass, swirling it elegantly.

"What? Tired? Your power is the highest and you rarely get tired like this. I dont believe you. What are you overthinking about huh lady-wolf!" Nam groaned with her eyebrows furrowed. Freen then sigh. She sigh really deeply. She rolled her eyes and look away.

"Nothing. Really nothing. Im going back. I have things to do at office." Freen then stood up, walking away leaving the three of her friends behind in the restaurant.

"She didn't even touch her lunch." Kate groaned when seeing freen's plate is still full with her foods. Yes, they have a lunch together today but it seems like someone is losing her mind.

After working for a while, freen grabbing the office phone and calling to the marketing team.

"Mai, Tell becky to meet me. For the daily report." She said and receiving a "yes" from Mai. She crossing her arms onto her chest and patiently waiting for becky to come to her office. Becky who was being told by Mrs mai just now, immediately nodding and grabbing her things. She fix her shirt and skirt a little before walking to the Lady Boss's office room. She knocked the door first and slowly getting inside the room as freen immediately cleared her throat when seeing her. Their situations seem awkward after what happened inside the elevator though.

Becky walking towards her and place her report onto the table as freen raising her eyebrows before grabbing the paper and look onto it arrogantly and coldly. Becky fidgeting with her fingers and slightly biting her lips as she's in nervous. Nervous that her works might didn't get approved.

"Its not good." Freen said makes becky look up onto her face. Nervously and disbelief.


"Do it again." Freen said again, placing the paper onto the table before look up to becky's face who seem disappointed. Disappointed of her first work that didn't get the approvement from her boss. But yeah, she wont give up.

"Oh O-okay. I will do it again and i will come to report to you again, lady boss." Becky said with a tint smile and take the report paper before going out. Of course, she did the report again.

"It not good enough." The second feedback she get.

"Do it again." The third one. And lastly, becky sigh deeply and look at freen in disbelief. She doesnt know what's criteria that freen want, and what is a 'perfect' work for freen. Freen look at her and raising her eyebrows a little. Freen could see that little face of her seems disappointed and questioning why her works didnt get approved.

"I dont know what you want. I dont know why you doesnt approved my work lady boss. Is it because of what happened in the elevator?" Becky ask bravely, as she obviously just asking and searching for a source of what freen doesnt like about her, or why freen acting like this : didn't approved her work. She just... want to know a reason. please!

Freen furrowed her eyebrows and standing up from her seat, walking closer towards becky who was standing still in front of her table.

"elevator? What? Are you that triggered huh when im not approving you works? Are you a person who easily give up huh? Oh, how can a woman nowadays become a useless, soft person." Freen said makes becky feel the hurt in her heart. Becky look at her and holding her tears. Yes, she's that touch.Not touch in a good way. But touch in a bad way. She's really feel stabbed and hurt. Sensitive again.

"h-how can you said to me like that? Im not a useless person. I just want you to say what criteria you want, or just giving me the example of a perfect work. That's all. What's the point of doing it all over again when i dont know what you like." Becky said with her eyes already full with tears. But yeah, it doesnt rolled down on her cheeks yet. She holds it. Freen gulping and looking away when noticing it. She knows. But she wont do anything.

" get out." Freen said makes becky nodding in a weak way and walk out from her office room. She can't believe that a person that she adores and respect will become this bad.

"Becky... are you okay?"

"Whats wrong!"

"Does lady boss bullying you?"

The employees were asking and coming towards her to comfort her. Yes, everyone inside this company is as lively and happy go lucky as becky. But, when it comes to their lady boss, they will immediately silent.

Becky smiling flatly and sweetly, and shooking her head.

"Nothing. Its just.. she doesnt approve my work. thats all." Becky said earning a sigh from the employees which is her team too: Marketing team.

"Its okay becky, you can do it!" Mrs Mai said earning a nod from becky before all of them disperse to their own seats again.

"I can do it!" She motivates herself to keep doing the works until freen will approved.

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