Chapter 78

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A week has passed.

Becky's finger playing with her pen with her mind keep thinking of freen.

Where is she? Is she working? How is she?

That's what she was thinking as she quickly shook off her head. She close her eyes and cursing her own self for thinking of freen.

"I-i should not think of her! Yes, i need to move forward. I have more responsibility right now. company, film..." Becky mumbled as if she was talking and comfort herself. Yes, she need to make her mind away from freen. She need to heals and so do freen. Heals from everythings and forget all of this.

She look at the clock that place nicely on the table as it show a lunch time. She walk out from her office room and with that too, she bump onto saints.

"O-oh i-im sorry becky!" Saint said with his grin and rubbing his nape. Becky raise her eyebrows in weird since Saint was in front of her office room? Does he have a work to discuss?

"Its okay saints. Erm you want to talk to me?"

"ermm... yes. i mean.. i about to ask you for a lunch together." He said as becky immediately smiling and nodding.

"Sure. I was about to have lunch too. Lets go?" Becky said as saints giving her a way to walk. Becky chuckled and walk first as saints follow her from behind. Of course, lady first right?

Saints driving the car and after for a while, they finally arrived at one of the mid- class restaurant. Becky get out from the car and same as saints. She then walk to get inside the restaurant as she was about to open the door of the restaurant but someone already open from inside makes becky's action stop.

She then wait while the woman who was smiling when open the door just now, stares onto her as the two of them slightly gasped and eyes widened. Freen's smile slowly to disappear and staring onto becky's face deeply as if there is only them there. Freen slightly gulping as she could see how becky is looking so good. Her flowery fruity perfumes blew on her face, her beautiful hair, her light pretty make up..... freen in awe.

Becky's cold eyes that slightly widened just now slowly to shift behind freen and that's when she feels the massive jealousy. Her heart that thumping just now shift to a one that having a bad intention of the woman behind freen right now. Yes, because of jealousy.

Layla still stay on her spot as she could feel that hot glare from the woman who is freen's lover. Uh, the glares is so hot as she could feel those tension and make she feel uneasy!

"B-becky..." Freen mumbled as becky smirking and then averted her eyes to freen again but in mocking way.

"Oh, you know me? I thought you didn't." Becky rolled her eyes and slightly look away. Freen raise her eyebrows and sighing loudly too. Actually, freen already make a decision to take this slowly as she know how much becky hurted. She want to move and make process with becky slowly.

"Of co---"

"Becky." Saints suddenly talking as with that, freen realize that becky is not here alone. She look behind becky as her head immediately tilting a little bit. That's how freen showing when she's mad. She often do that when she's mad - tilting her head.

"Y-you're having lunch with him?" Freen ask as becky raising her eyebrows and showing how arrogant and cold she is. Becky then grabbing saints's hand, intertwined it makes saint slightly flinched. He gulped.

"Yes. So why? Is it your problem?" Becky said makes freen's eyes slowly to fall down onto their intertwined hands. Freen's jaw started to tightening as becky could see that when freen look to the side in disbelief. She could see everythings that freen did right now is exactly when freen in jealous or mad. Becky could feel herself was smiling and smirking secretly in winning. Oh freen is still the same freen she knew.

Freen poked her cheeks with her own tongue.

"Fuck. Lets go Layla!" Freen grab layla's hand and walking roughly passing becky without even looking back as layla already flustered. Flustered as she know that becky is extremely jealous. Meanwhile, becky look behind, staring onto how freen hold that layla girl. Becky sighing and immediately feels like she doesn't have a mood at all to eat. But, she have to since saints ask her.

She then look at saints and slowly to let go of his hand.

"Lets eat." Becky give him a tint fake smile as for saints, he know what becky feels.

"E-erm its okay if you dont---"

"But we are already here, saints. Just lets eat or let me accompany you." Becky said and with that, saints smiling and they slowly to get inside to have a lunch.

Freen and Layla get inside the car as freen immediately hit the car's steering hardly.

"FUCK!!!" She shout and gripping onto the steering tightly until her both hands were shaking. Layla sighing with her eyes close before look at freen as she know freen is a short tempered person. When she's get mad, she mad hardly and will lose control. She used to it.

"FUCK! THAT FUCKING GUY! UGH!" Freen hitting the steering again and grab her hair in frustrated before she rub her face with her both hands roughly. She can't confront saints nor becky. She can't make a stupid things such as : getting mad and showing her jealousy nor madness towards saints or becky. Because what? Becaue she want to take becky slowly. She want becky to choose her, herself. She want to attract becky slowly without any force since she know how hard becky hurted without her before this.

But right now, becky really challenge her jealousy and anger as she think that she need a high patience level to get through this. She want to take slowly and move forward to get becky but her short tempered side and jealousy makes she lose control.

"Freen... be patience... you said you want to take this slowly..."

"How can i be patient when she freaking make me like this?!! How can i be patient when that guy freaking touch her!!" Freen slightly shout in disbelief and in annoyed. She even pointed her index finger towards the restaurant.

Layla slightly chuckled when looking onto this jealous freen.

"You know what freen? You just dint realise of how her eyes also full with jealousy when you're with me. Her eyes was glaring to me hotly as if she was pinning me to the wall and stab me with the knife! Ugh scary. A scary little girl." Layla said while acting she have a goosebump and the chuckled loudly. Freen look at her and rolled her eyes.

"You can laugh when im this mad??!"

"Of course! Its because both of you were actually fighting with you guys ego. Its like a 'ego competition'. Whoever that saying 'i miss you' or doing actions like kiss, hug, or whatever related to romance first, that person is lose. That's what both of you did right now." Layla said with her eyebrows raised and smirking to freen.

Freen gulping and then look away with her hands started to put the key of her car and wanted to drive away.

"W-what.. im not. I just want to take this slowly okay!" Freen said as she turn the steering and drove the car away slowly.

"You are freen. And then you was the one that hurting because of jealousy."

Layla said makes freen thinking hardly and deeply.

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