Chapter 102

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A week has passed and in that one week, freen always sending a bouquet of roses at becky's company. She still consistent as every morning when becky get inside her office room, the bouquet of roses will always placing perfectly on her table. Without hesitation, her lips curled into a wide smile.

There's also some words on the wishing card and those little words will always makes becky blushed. Freen really try hard to gain her trust, and to court her again.

Today, becky looking onto the wishing card and started reading it.

"Good morning my sweetheart, Today i missing you so much :(" That's what freen wrote with her handwriting makes becky chuckled and being the most happiest woman in this world. Freen literally called her everything. Princess, my love, baby, darling, my world, my star, my happiness, and today, my sweetheart.

"So clingy and flirty." Becky mumbled between her chuckled as she also know and can't denied that herself also really want to stay beside freen all time. But she can't. She can't just let freen win so they still stay at their own house. Freen alone at her house and becky with film at her own house too.

Freen will spending time with film but for her, she doesnt want that since she thinks that was so a little time for her to be together. She want becky and film stay with her :(

She want sleeping beside becky all day and waking up with her, she want to send film to her grandmother or becky's parents house together with becky, she want to send becky to her office, she want to play with film everyday and everytime, she want to spending time all day around with them, and mostly, she want three of them to build a happy family. Yes, she getting greedy. Greedy want this happiness that only belongs to her. Film and becky all for herself.

At the other side, freen who keep thinking of becky, the door of her office room is slowly to swung open revealing heng who was smiling widely. This is the first time heng coming here just like their old company. She miss this.

"Lady boss!" Heng bow his head makes freen scoffed as heng then laugh.

"Just come in stupid." Freen rolled her eyes and look at heng who slowly to walk and take a sit in front of her. Heng then smiling widely as he could see how freen's face is always glowing in the morning, her eyes were sparkles and glimmering, ah its such a good views after so long.

"You know what freen. I was so happy seeing you with becky like this. Its already a long time i didn't see becky smiling widely alone, chuckled alone, as i think right now she's crazy when she like that!" Heng chuckled while freen raise her eyebrows. Did becky really lose when she's gone? That's her question.

"Did she really lose herself when im not around for three years heng?" Freen suddenly ask as heng then staring onto those eyes of her. A little tears slowly to build up and being glassy im freen's eyes. Heng smiling before answer.

"Yes, freen. So much as she even hugging all your clothes every night, smelling your scents. On the first year you're gone, she's the worse among all of us. She keep crying, and refusing everythings with the hope that you will come and did it for her. She stop working and becoming someone that i didn't know. She's so cold, her cheerful and her cute smile disappear, and being so distant from anyone else. But with the thought that her child with you will born, she need to get up from all of this and move forward. Yes, two years after that she's getting better. But i know, her heart is hurting when she need to grow film alone without you beside her. Plus, look at film. Film is so much look like you, freen."

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