Chapter 77

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"Are you serious?! That's all?! That was what happened?!" Heng slightly shout in the morning when he heard about what freen told him. Yes, freen told him everything from A to Z. From she in the van to how she open the new company with Layla.

Heng and the grandmother closed their mouth with their hands in stunned of how hard for freen to go through this thing too.

The grandmother's eyes slowly to burst into tears as grandmother immediately hugging freen. Freen smiling and rubbing her back gently.

"Im not going anywhere anymore grandmother. I will always here. This time, i promise and i will fulfilled that." Freen whispered as the grandmother then broke the hug amd cupped freen's cheek.

"A-aghh grandmother! M-my cheeks!" Freen hissed as the grandmother totally forget about her wounds from last night.

"Oh im sorry!" The grandmother slightly chuckled as freen then smiling with her nodded before glancing to heng. Her eyes is getting softer and staring onto heng as if she was waiting what heng will said next.

"You're not lying right freen?!" Heng ask as he pointing his index finger towards her.

"If you're lying i will kill you this time." Heng said again.

Freen smiling and nodding.

"Im not. You can kill me alive if im lying heng. I-i just want becky back, heng..." Freen said as with that, their conversation cut when

"Grandma!!!!" A little kid running from the main door towards the grandmother makes freen eyebrows furrowed hardly.

Film jump on grandmother's lap as freen look at heng in clueless while heng already gulped hardly. Freen's eyes then focus on a two person that walking inside the palace, side to side and that's where she could feel her heart scattered just like a glass fall from a high place.

Becky and saints.

Freen's body froze, her eyes were tearing up and those tears slowly to fall down onto her cheeks. What she was thinking? Yes, she was thinking that becky and saints is in relationships or maybe already married with this little kid is their kid.

Becky's feet also froze when her eyes meeting freen's. Her heart beating loudly and She could see how freen face where slightly swollen and full with wounds. Freen's hand is wrapping with bandage, and becky averted her eyes to heng. Its the same as heng. Did they fight? That's all what she was thinking.

Freen's hand slowly to curled into a fist as she clench her hands hardly making the bandage that wrapped around her fist is undone and thats makes her fist bleeding again.

How hurts she is seeing someone she love with someone else, how hurt she is seeing someone she love have a kid with someone else.....

She's mad as fuck as the cries that rolled down onto her cheeks become harder.

Heng gasped. He cursed inside himself when knowing what freen was thinking.

"F-freen lets go." Heng stood up and immediately walk to freen in rush and grab her. He grab her and making she standing up, dragging her towards the main door and get out passing becky and saints. They both stunned and froze too.

When Heng and freen is outside and walk slightly far away from the palace's gate, freen's cries become much more harder as she slowly fall down on the road and kneeling with her both hands also on the road too.


Heng kneeling too and want to help her up but freen can't even move nor stand up. She's in weak. Totally weak.

"B-becky... How c-can——"

"No freen. No! Its not what you're thinking. Okay?! Trust me." Heng said and cupped for freen's cheek. He stares on her as her face already showered with those tears stains. Freen's eyes shaking, and breath getting deeper and heavy with those hiccups... But she somehow stares onto heng's eyes too.

"Hear me out. Its not like what you think. Okay? Right now, i will ask the driver send you back and rest okay? Then, court becky again." Heng said with a little pat on her cheek as freen's eyes started to sparkle.

"Are you——"

"Yes. Im serious. I give you my permissions. So, dont think bad about what you see just now okay? And do your part. Gain her trust again, make she love you again and court her. Remember, her heart still belongs to you." Heng give a thin smile and slightly feel relief when seeing those sprakling eyes of freen. Only with those eyes, heng already could read what she was thinking.

Freen slowly to nodded makes heng wipes her tears away.

"Just like that! This is my real sister! Strong! Go to your car and i will call for our driver to send you. Okay?" Heng said as freen nodding. With that, freen gain her strength again to court becky. Yes, this is her time to get becky again. Its always heng. Heng always know how to handle and how to calm herself. She so grateful to have heng.

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