Chapter 32

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With a deep last loud breath, Freen could feel her head spinning, her eyes darkened in black sight and she feels like her power were taking out from her body. She can't even move her fingers as her eyes slowly to give up and she fall unconscious. Her body fully leave her weight on becky's makes becky furrowed her eyebrows.

She furrowed her eyebrows and sligthly pulled their hug as her eyes widened seeing freen totally fall down onto the bed. Freen laying on the bed, weakly and unconsciously.

"Freen!!!!" Becky shouts and she quickly hit freen's chest and shoulder to wake her up.

"Freen!!! Dont joking with me!!!" Becky shouts again with a half-crying voices and her eyes already tear up. Her eyes blurred with tears when there is no response from freen.

"Freen!!! Dont be like this!!" She shaking freen's body again but while she did that, a light black smoke and dust were coming out from freen's body makes becky's eyes widened in shock.

what is this??

"Freen! Wake up!! Wake up please!!" She shout again and hit freen's chest hardly with her fist. She in rush as she seeing how the smoke turn heavy and huge. She crying hardly and can't even do anything as she quickly hug freen tightly. She drown her face onto the crook of freen's neck while sobbing hardly. She's crying, sniffing, and sobbing as she still hugging freen for some minutes.

"Freen... wake up....." She mumbled and slowly lift her head up, seeing those smokes and dust were already gone. Becky still sobbing with her cheeks already wet completely with tears. She then look onto freen for a while, hugging her for another minutes before slowly get off from freen after she comfirmed that the smokes were not here anymore.

She quickly running towards the small table that place in freen's room, grabbing her handphone and call for heng. After for some beeps, heng answer the call sleepily.

"ughh.... what's up -- becky?" Heng ask between his yawn

"heng. Freen. Help me. Please come to freen's house. Heng quickly i dont know what to do..." Becky said in a rush, crying hardly makes heng widened his eyes and cursing.

"Fuck!" Heng running out with his pyjamas and grabbing his car's key before driving in full speed. He might already know what happened to freen and thats make he terribly worried. He keep cursing in the car.

Becky glacing to freen, still in her cries before she take freen's clothes and wear it before going to freen and wrapping freen with the blanket. She was in clueless and doesnt know what happened or what to do. But what she know is, she doesnt want freen like this. She want freen wake up.

After for 15 minutes, heng running and get inside the room in a rush and could see becky was hugging freen. Heng sigh loudly in slightly relief as freen is still on the bed, not having any sign that the black smoke is here. Becky slowly swift her position to freen side and heng quickly hold freen's head while taking out a black bottle from his pocket.

"W-what is t-that.." Becky ask but never get an answer from heng. Heng slowly dropping the liquid inside freen's mouth before he put down freen's head again. He sigh loudly and sitting on the bed beside freen with the most relief feelings. Becky gulping.

Heng then look at becky with her serious eyes.

"What happened?" Heng ask, just for the comfirmation. If freen's cum, she might not be here now. So what's happened? That's were inside heng's thought.

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