chapter 42

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Becky waking up in the morning with her private part was hurting and she could feel it was slightly swollen. She sit on the bed and was about to stood up to walk but she hissed and sitting again in pain.


"What's wrong baby...?" Freen fix her shirts with a simple coat as she walking out from the closet room. She getting ready to go to work. Becky look at her with his painful face makes freen furrowed her eyebrows and walking towards her.

"Why baby..?" She kneeling on the floor in front of becky as becky were holding her lower stomach.

"This is because of you.." Becky hissed and look at freen with her playful annoyed face. Freen raise her eyebrows and slightly chuckled when she understand what becky said.

"O-ohh... Its hurts hm? You dont have to go to office today. I will handle your leave." Freen taking her hand and give a peck. Freen then stood up before pulling her into a hug. Becky were hugging freen by her waist before she look up to see freen.

She pouting.

"But i want---"

"Its okay princess... I will handle everything.. take a rest okay? I will call for the foods delivery for you too. Okay? Im sorry about last night. I love you." Freen lean down and give a peck on her forehead, nose and then lips. A tint smile plastered on becky's lips before she nodding onto her. Freen then pat her head lightly.

"Im going! Take care and wait for me. I will going home earlier okay!" Freen said while walking away as becky just stares onto freen's figure. She somehow felt a little bit heavy hearted to leave freen today. But.. she just shrugged it off. Maybe just because she's being more clingy? She thinks.

After for while driving, freen finally arrived at her office and immediately walking to her office room. She get inside her office room and the first thing she saw is - Heng. Heng sitting, waiting for her on the couch.

"Morning freen!" Heng greet her as she walking and they have a bro-hug for a second.

"What's wrong? This early huh?" Freen ask as she put her handbag on the table before sitting on the couch across heng. He look at her with his smile and somehow makes freen curious. Freen then look at onto the couch besides heng. There is a thick book. She's more in curious.

Heng clear his throat a little before look at freen in serious.

"Okay.Im gonna tell you something. That really big." Heng said before he grab the book and put it on the table that placed in front of him. Freen furrowed her eyebrows and just look at the book.

"What is this..?"

"Open it. And read page 262." Heng said with his victory smile as freen slowly reach her hand to take the book before she slowly flipped onto it. Finally, her eyes  focus on the page that heng told.

"The black smokes or 'death smokes' can be prevent went the pure human was hugging the werewolf after the werewolves cum. But, that's only valid for a half-werewolves."

Freen's eyebrows furrowed. Half-werewolves? She?

"Okay.. i get it but...?"

"Half-werewolves? What is this heng?" Freen continue ask as heng gasped. He realise he did a big mistakes. Freen never know she is a half-werewolf. Freen never know about her parents. And now... heng makes a stupid mistake. How can he forget about this!

"Freen..." Heng gulping and freen could see how that milky white face of his were getting more pale.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEANS HENG?????!!!!" Freen shouts and put the books onto the table roughly and hardly makes the loud thud sounds. Her eyes were red, and Heng could see she was getting mad.

"Freen.. we will talk about this..."

"THEN FUCKING TALK!!!!!" Freen stood up and looking onto heng with her glare. A glare that holds the anger tears and also the madly-fire anger inside her body. Heng sighing. He finally make a decision to tell freen the truth about this.

Heng then stood up and want to hold freen's hand but she quickly yank his hand away.

"Fucking talk heng. I said it one more time." Freen said coldly with her shaky voice but the stern from her makes it feels like a warning. Actually, it is a warning.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. Your parents. They are not both werewolves freen. Your mom is a human. pure human.Only your father is a werewolf." Heng said as freen's eyes who hold her tears just now slowly released it and the tears rolling down onto her cheeks slowly. She stunned. She stunned hearing this. How can?

She felt a stab on her heart as she thinks her grandmother and heng were lying to her plus, she feels her heart bleeding more knowing that her parents must be suffer but she? Nicely alive.

"D-does that's mean dad dead when he..."

"Y-yes freen. Like what i just understand, Your mom felt unconscious and didn't hug him. That's make him.... end like that. And... your mom too. She's gone after giving ...." Heng said with a deep sigh and could not continue because of the guilty. Freen's fist were clenched, her eyes releasing more tears and she started feel like she drowning. She really understand what heng want to say to her. She feels like the hard cries that she holds were building up inside her throat making she gasping for air.

She feel like she doesnt get enough air and was about to collapse but heng quickly grab her.

"Freen! Wake up! Dont close your eyes, breath slowly." Heng slightly tapped her cheeks.

"In.... out...." Heng lead freen to make freen's breath comes to normal again. Yes, freen follow his instruction. Heng then lift her up, before he put her onto the couch, laying down completely weak. Freen staring onto the spaces with her eyes weak and red as her mind were filled with guilty. She blame herself. She blame herself as if she is not exist here, her dad also might be alive and survived right now. And.. her mom. Because of giving birth to her, her mom were dead.

Its my fault, its my fault, its my fault. its my fault.

That's the only thing and words that filled her mind. Heng know what she thinking as the grandmother and himself also already expected this. That's why they wont tell her but right now... everythings were revealed.

PS:// Im sorry guys for the late update. I received a negative comments about this story and somehow its make me 'down' and think about not continue writing this story. Hm :( Should i continue?

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