Chapter 71

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One year from that three years, freen take her time to fully heals herself, and the other two years, she started to train herself from shooting, boxing and regain her strength again with the help of deyman. Of course, during that three years, freen fall down as she miss becky so much. Freen lose control too, she cries too, she broke down too, but,

Because of becky's safety.

She become strong again. She need to search and kill Nop.

And with deyman help, the red-blood wolf from australia and also from some others countries, they gathered. Gathered for freen and will start the mission. The mission is to search for Nop and no matter what, she will kill him.

With their help, Freen success. She become the most happiest wolf ever when their missions success even though its take such a long time. 2 years of searching and killing him. Yes! He's gone forever! But its worth it, for becky safety.

With that, she eager to clean up her air with becky again. She told Layla to work with her as she will open a company, she also told Layla about what happened and basically, Layla know everythings about her including about the werewolves things. Yes, Layla become her partner. Partner to work, and also partner to search for the loves of her life again.

Freen open the new company at the country she belongs to, with Layla. She bring Layla with her as she thinks that Layla is just like her Family. Her sister that always help her. A sister who always worried and cares about her well being especially when it comes to eating. Layla makes it all and even when freen doesn't want, she will force freen. They are that close. That's why she makes Layla as her assistant of the company.  And with the geniusness she have, she could top the bussiness charts just only with some projects! Freen is so unbeatable.

She changes her name too, she hide herself too for a while because one thing, she have a intention to take becky again even though she know that there is a possibility that becky already with someone else, or becky already fall out with love towards her, or maybe becky already hates her because she broke her promise.

She change her name as she know that everyone think the old freen sarocha must already dead. Or already not exist in this world. But look at her right now, Samanun anantrakul. She's a new freen.

But surely, she will attract becky's heart again. For that freaking three years, there is no single days, minutes or second that her love towards becky is fall out. Becky's face, smile and everything were always giving a courage and support to her to come until this day. Yes. She want becky again after all of this already clear up.

She just disappeared to protect her. She just disappeared to search and do her missions to kill that bastard. That's all. She never forget her. Same as Heng.

"Whoever you're belong to right now becky, i will make you mine again. You're just only mine. Forever be mine. Even though you hates me for leaving you, i will never run away from you. I will fulfill my promise this time."

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