Chapter 91

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Freen suddenly woke up from her sleep as she gasped in shocked when knowing that she fall asleep at becky's house. She cursed herself and rub her own face roughly with her both hands.

"Becky must be mad at me!" She exclaimed and slowly to take off film's hand away from her and tucked film inside the small comforter before freen walk out. She was about to walk down towards the stairs but the cries from somewhere makes her feet stops.

Freen furrowed her eyebrows and thinking whether she should go and take a look of becky or not. After for a minute thinking, she decide to have a look. She stepping her feet towards the another door of a room and the cries could be heard even much more hardly and loudly. Freen so sure that this is where the cries come from.

"B-becky...?" Freen calling for her name as the cries somehow stops and freen slowly to knock onto the door. She gulping. The hiccups could be heard from outside.

"C-Can i get inside becky?" Freen ask again and slowly to open the door knob as somehow, the door is not locked. Freen gasped and gulping, taking a deep breath as a courage for her.

She peak inside as she could see becky was crying while hugging her both legs on the bed with the room was filled with the dim yellow light. Freen slowly to get inside the room and looking around in nervous.

Becky cries started to hear slowly again as freen sighing and take a sit beside her on the bed.

But still, there is a gap space between them.

"I-im sorry for getting inside your room without you permissions. B-but... I-im worried. Are you okay becky?" Freen ask and slightly lower her own head to see becky's face since becky is covering her face with her knee.

Becky sobbing with her breath hitched makes freen didn't know what to do. Freen take a deep breath and slowly to lift her hand, landing on becky's head before she gently stroking and patting her head

Becky didn't even move when she do that.

"What's wrong becky...? Do you have problems? Company? I can help if its about that.."

"Its not freen!" Becky suddenly lift her head and stares onto freen as freen could see those tears were pooling inside her eyes and those reddened eyes too. Its make freen's heart hurting seeing her like this.

"Then? About what? Saints? Heng?"

"You. Its you! I have a problems with you!" Becky said with her voices were slightly raised makes freen gasped hearing this.


"YES FREEN! WHY SHOULD YOU COME AGAIN IN MY LIFE WHEN I HAPPILY LIVE WITH FILM??!! WHY DID YOU COME AND SHOW THAT SMILES TO ME AGAIN?! why did you come when i decided to move on and move forward freen......" Becky shouts while grabbing freen's shirt collar and somehow at the last sentence she broke into another hard cries. Freen's eyes grew bigger and somehow, it was her turn to tearing up as she staring blankly onto becky.

Its make she full with guilty.

"Why freen... Just why..." Becky hit her chest rapidly and crying as freen gulping and hold her tears from rolling down.

"I-im s-sorry becky..." Freen suddenly mumbled between those cries of becky.

"I-im sorry that before this i was too selfish to have you again without cares that you're already have your own life. I-im sorry. Im sorry for loving you to much." Freen said and with that words, a drop of tears fall down onto her cheeks.

Freen cupped becky's cheeks makes the two of them staring into each other for a while.

"Im sorry for making you feels like you're stupid for waiting for me. Im sorry for making you feels like you're getting played. Im sorry becky. I was really terrible. Yes, i was a corward. I leave you and didn't even fulfilled my promise." Freen said, staring onto those teary eyes of becky as becky right now froze hearing all of the confessions. Their heart thumping loudly. only for each other. Freen's thumb started to caressing and wipe the tears away from becky's cheeks.

"Im sorry for coming to you again becky. I just love you so much." Freen suddenly burst into a silent cries as she makes her face looking down, doesn't want to let becky saw this. The tears keep rolling down onto her cheeks as becky slowly to cupped her chin, making her look up to her eyes.

The same teary eyes were looking onto each other full with longingness, desire, and love. So much love as their heart also beating with the same beat.

"Fuck me freen. Touch me."

Ps:// - Thats all for today! 😝

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