Chapter 101

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"Freen, come eat. Stop playing with film. She have to eat too! Film, come to uncle." Heng said as freen pouting and slowly to put film down before film quickly running to heng to eat again. Freen then smiling widely, walking towards becky, sitting and inmediately hugging her from beside.

"baby i want to eat too. Feed me please." Freen open her mouth, showing as if she want becky to shove that spoon to her. Heng smirking as becky then nudge freen's stomach with her elbow.

"Behave yourself! film is here!" Becky whispered.

"Auch." Freen pouting and slightly rolling her eyes as if she was sulking.

"I thought you already have a hot delicious lunch just now freen?" Heng ask with his eyebrows raised makes freen glancing to him and then to becky. With a thought of wanting to tease becky, freen then smirking.

"Im not. Only becky got the lunch. She enjoying it so much. I was just there sweating preparing for the lunch." Freen said as heng laugh loudly while becky elbowing her arm again rapidly and hardly.

"Auch auch! Its hurts baby!" Freen hissing and then chuckled.

"Serve you right!" Becky rolled her eyes.

Freen chuckled and then winking her eyes to heng as if she was about to do something.

"Hm i should call layla so that she will come here to eat and feed me." Freen said and was about to get up to pick up her handphone but before she could do that, becky who heard this eyes widened and quickly pinched for her ear.

"Dont. You. Dare."

"Arghhh b-becky! Its hurts its hurts! Okay okay! I-im just kidding okay!" Freen hold's becky's hand that still pinching and pulling her ear hardly. She not even gentle to freen when it comes to this.

"You want to do it again?!" Becky ask and glaring to her as freen quickly shooking her head and sitting down perfectly beside her again. Slowly, becky then let go of her ear as film and heng who see this laughing together.

"Daddy make mummy mad! Hahahahaa! Blek! Daddy get hit!" Film laughing as freen make her playful angry face to film.

"Daddy not——"

"Stop talking! Hm! Eat." Becky cut freen's words as becky already place a spoon of rice in front of her mouth, feeding her as freen smiling shyly with her eyes staring to becky before she eat it. With that, becky feeding freen while heng is with film.

"I thought you doesnt love me anymore." Freen mumbled and stick out her tongue to becky. Becky groaned over this childish side of freen. But somehow, she likes it so much. She likes how freen become the old freen that always like to touch, having skinship with her, clingy, and others.

For freen, when knowing film is becky and her child, she can see that all of the traits that film have right now is 100 percents mixed between herself and also becky. Film's physical appearances also the same. Some from becky and some from her. Wow, its so magical and making she so happy. So much.

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