Chapter 88

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After for some days, today will be the first official meeting to discuss about the project between freen's company and becky's. Heng already inform becky about what freen want which is : she was the one that handle instead of heng or not freen will cancel this project. With that, becky can't do anything and want to proceed this project since its a good chance for the company to grow so she just accept this. Accept what freen want.

Becky went to freen's company accompanied by saints as saint will be the one that will jote all the notes and information that they will discuss. Plus, for becky she purposely bring saints to make that 'demon' side of freen coming back again.

Purposely want to look at her jealousy.

Becky and saints walk towards the meeting room and get inside it as the two of them waiting for freen patiently.

Becky suddenly look at saints and slightly whispering to him. Saints furrowed his eyebrows and listening onto her and then slightly eyes widened when hearing it.

"W-what! I dont want becky! I will surely dead here." Saints said as becky chuckled and shooking her head.

"Please. Just follow what i said. Then i will settle the rest."

"She will surely punch me becky. Seriously. My handsome face." Saints said with his pout and hold his cheeks makes becky rolled her eyes.

"Just do!" She said as suddenly the door of the meeting room slowly to swung open makes becky quickly wrapped her arms around saints's neck. She then slightly push him makes he leaning his back and ass on the meeting's table, facing his back to the door. Becky come closer and tilting her head a little as when freen open the door, her eyes widened and the hot anger blood rushes towards her head.

She saw as if becky was kissing saints with her eyes closed.

"WHAT THE FUCK BECKY??!!!" She shouts as her voices were loud and so thunderous. Becky then look at freen before she slowly to push saints to the side as saint gulping hardly. Becky acting as she wipe her lips with her hand makes freen's jaw tightening.

Those eyes of her were turned into a miserable black and Anger curled hot and unstoppable in her gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn her from the inside out. She clenched her fingers hardly into a shaking fist as she slammed the door making the really loud thud all over the office. Her muscles were all tense.

Freen was really really angry as becky could tell it by the way her chest breathing moving up and down hardly and also her shaking fists.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??!!!" Freen shouts again as becky smirking and shrugging her shoulder.

"Just kissing. Why?" Becky proudly said even though actually she's not. Its just acting. Veins bulging out from freen's fists and forehead, and freen's teeth were clenching hardly.

"YOU ASK WHY??!!! FUCK!" Freen shouts again as with that she stoomping her feet towards saints and grabbing his collar without hesitation she landed a sharp punch makes saints falling down on the floor.

"Freen! What the—-"

"WHAT??!!! YOU'RE BACKING HIM UP RIGHT NOW?!!!" Freen shouts onto becky's face as becky gulped seeing this. Its likely a new one. A new expressions that becky never seen before. Becky never thought this happened but this is so much tense and worse than what she expect. She looks so freaking mad.

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