Chapter 44

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Becky waking up early in the morning, getting herself ready and preparing some breakfast for the two of them as today is their weekdays. She wont wake freen up as freen looks really exhasuted last night and she drunk so bad. Becky prepared a omelette, toast, and mushroom soup and lastly a hangover drinks for freen.

After done preparing the breakfast, she went up to the bedroom again and when she get inside their bedroom, the first thing she saw is : Freen who was sitting up on the bed, zoning out. She didn't even move. Becky sigh deeply and walking closer to her.

Freen have that cold face of her but somehow becky could see how those eyes were holding the millions sadness inside her heart.

"Good morning baby!" Becky said in her cheerful tone but only earning that empty stares from freen. Freen then give her the most fake smile for a second.

'Morning." Freen said with her flat voices as becky could hear that voices were cold.

Becky told to herself she need to be patience and she need to be cheerful around freen. She need to comfort and being strong for freen so that freen will know that she can rely on her too.

"Lets go baby? Breakfast? I already prepare a breakfast for you." Becky said and spread her arms as if she was asking for hug. Freen right now can't be more sad as she need to act like nothing happened with becky. Didnt she know that becky already know everythings about her.

Freen slowly to scooted herself off from the bed before standing and receive becky's hug. She smelling the scents of her, the flowery fruity scents that always makes she loses and calm. She take a deep breath at the crook of becky's neck, as she could feel her mind were calming from before.

"Hmmm... did i smell that nice hm?" Becky as while pulling from the hug. She stares on freen's face for a while.

"Lets eat?" She smile widely makes freen staring on her and nodding. Freen didn't even mutters any words started from she woke up from her sleep. They went to the kitchen and take a sit in front of each other as freen didn't even touch her foods. She just staring and zoning out onto the foods makes becky sigh loudly.

"Freen... you dont want to eat?" Becky ask as freen immediately lift up her head, looking onto becky.

"e-erm i dont have a appetite to eat, baby." Freen said slowly as becky pouting her lips.

"how can you... i cook for you and you're not even touching it." Becky said as if she was acting sulking even though actually she's not. She just want to make freen eat the foods. That's all. She dont want her to keep thinking and ignoring her health. Freen slightly gulping and somehow feel guilty.

"I dont---"

"I will feed you. Okay?!" Becky said excitedly and already standing to take a sit beside freen before she feed the upsets woman in front of her right now. Freen just sighing and follow every becky's actions as she know that she can't refuse this little one. 

After the breakfast, freen just sitting on the couch silently with her eyes fixing on the televisions. Yes, her eyes were watching movies but she's not. Her soul, mind, thoughts, and body were not there. She's zoning out again as she feel like she was hitting and stabbing her own self inside her mind. She blame herself again and again, as she think that she doesn't have the rights to stay alive when her parents did not.

"Freen..." Becky's voice heared makes her thoughts cut off and she comes to reality. She look up as becky was wearing her soft-worried face before slowly take a sit on freen's lap. That's make freen a little bit shock but she just let her by removing her hands that fidgeting her own fingers just now.

Becky look at her and cupped her cheeks, tracing her hand and fingers onto freen's jaw. Somehow, freen's eyes were not the same as always when she seducing or flirty to her before. This time, its different.

"Baby..." Freen mumbled as she want to say that this is not the right time for becky to do this.

"Freen.... That's not your fault." Becky looking into her eyes, as freen's eyes were a little shocked hearing that. Where did she know?  Thats what she was asking herself.

"That's not your fault baby. Think of this as a replied from god, as he sending you to stay and taking care of the family, your grandmother, friends, and yes, your whole-big wolf family. Everythings that happened were not your fault. You're here right now, showing the reason how much your dad loves your mom. And you are here right now also the reasons how much your mom loves you, and also peoples around you right now as she gives you beautiful life to taking care of everyone. Understand? Dont ever blame yourself baby..." Becky caressed her cheeks, staring her lovingly and not having intention to stop staring onto freen.

Freen's eyes slowly release its tears as becky immediately wiped it with her thumbs. Freen immediately hug her, drowing her face onto becky 's neck. Becky could feel those tremblings, sobbings, hiccups and cries from freen for the first time.

"I-i ruin everything b-becky..." Freen mumbled with her cries without pulling off her face from becky's neck. Becky could feel those wet tears on her skin. She hugging and rubbing freen's back slowly and gently. She somehow also could feel the sadness that freen felt right now.

"You're not,my darling...You're not. Why you said you ruin everythings when you have people that love you everyday. Heng, Your grandmother, Your friends, Your big wolf-family, and me. I already told you that this is not your fault right? Everythings happened have its own good and rewards, freen. If your mom and your dad look at you right now, they must be sooooo proud. You're handling everythings well, you become a loving person to people that you're close with, and lastly, you're living the best life in this beautiful world that the two of them give you. So...."

Becky pull out the hug as she cupped freen's cheeks, making she looking straight into her eyes. Becky give a tint smile, but her eyes and heart also the same as freen. She hurting seeing freen like this. But she will be strong for her.

"So.... baby, you need to be happy again hm? Dont blame yourself and be the best person so that your parents will be more proud of you! Okay?" Becky continue her words as freen's cries started to calm, but the tear's stains were still all around her face. Her eyes and nose were red and also swollen because of the cries.

Freen slowly nodded her head, earning a wide smile from becky.

"That's my baby! You're doing sooo good." Becky lean and give a quick peck on her lips. For freen, she was so lucky to have this little girl right now. Becky can make her calm with her wise words, can make her heart in peace and also can lights up her day. Freen can't be more grateful than that. For sure, becky makes she fall in love over and over again with those kind and wise attitudes of her. No wonder why everyones comfortable around her, she's good at comforting people. Especially this person who holds her small cute heart.

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