1: Lost and found

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       TILL THE END. 

Jen's POV

My movie ends and I get up to clean up my popcorn and pizza mess. As I am loading the dishwasher with the bowl and plate I used, I hear the doorbell ring. I open it to see no one. It's probably just a stupid prank, I am about to close the door when I hear a faint crying.

I look down and see a little girl in a car seat with a bag next to her. I go pick up this beautiful blonde little girl, with the cutest brown eyes and set her on the floor inside the front entryway. Then I bring in the car seat she came in and the bag that came with her. I start to wonder who she is and how old she is and what am I going to do with her. First things first, while I am holding her I go through the bag. It has diapers, some clothes, a bottle and a note.

The note said "This is Taylor Ann. I have left her in your care because I can no longer give her the life she deserves. Her parents are both dead due to drugs. Please give her a family, which will take care of her and love her forever. Her birthday is August 13, 2011. She is 18 months old. Thank you so much. And Taylor I will love you and remember you forever. Love your aunt."

After reading the note, I decided, that I will keep her for the night figure out what to do with her later.

I take her upstairs, set her on my bed and start making a pillow fort, so when she sleeps she doesn't roll off the bed. I learned this from having my nephew sleep over. When I am done I realize it's 10:00, I put Taylor in a blue onesie, footie thing and place her in the fort on my bed. After getting her situation, I notice how comfortable and peaceful she is which reminds me of how tired I am. I change into a tank-top and some short-shorts before climbing into bed and immediately drifting to deep sleep.


I am immediately woken up to crying; I glance at my clock and see its only 4 am. I cradle Taylor in my arms while quietly whispering 'shh, it's alright' in her ear until she falls back asleep. I kiss her on the head and put her back in the pillow pile.

I wake up at 9:30 and get up to go downstairs to make breakfast. Halfway down the stairs, I realize that I have a baby in my bed and I can't leave her up here alone. I run back up the staircase and nudge her awake. I lift her on my hip and head downstairs. After setting her on the family room carpeted floor, I get down two bowls and spoons. Next, I get the milk and honey nut Cheerios out of the pantry. I make two bowls of cereal one dry and one wet before retrieving Taylor from the family room. We both eat without saying much and I clean up while Taylor watches Paw Patrol in the family room.

I take a seat next to Taylor and protectively wrap my arm around her. She instinctively climbs into my lap and cuddles into me while sucking her thumb. I really want to keep Taylor and be her mom, but I don't know if I am ready, so I call my mom for advice.

J- Jennifer K- Karen T-Taylor

J- Hi, mom. So I need some help.

K- What is it?

T- "Giggles"

K- Jen, do you have a baby with you. Why do you?

J- Yeah, "I shush Taylor" "then I explain what happened to my mom"

K- I think you should keep her if you do truly love her and can take good care of her. You might not be ready, but I wasn't either, but you will get there.

J- Alright, I am going to adopt her.

•End of conversation•

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