35: Those words

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Babytard and Princesstard.

Jen's POV
"Help, help. Please, my daughter is unconscious and was bleeding from her head," I start yelling out. A nurse rolls out a gurney, I set Taylor down on it and she is taken away. Willow and I pace the waiting room, ignoring gasps and yelling from fans. I had changed from my work jumper to something that Willow brought, which was converse, leggings and a sweater. I don't remember when I put this in the trailer. I text my family on one group text and cast/set people I trust on another. They all text back, pretty much this stuff just more detailed, "I am coming" "I will be there later" "Get better soon Taylor".
Sam, Liam, Jeffery, Juliane, Liz, Woody, Francis, Phillip, and 2 camera people come to the hospital. Willow is on her phone doing something, I am to nervous to do anything. I bounce my knee, tap my feet musically, make rhythmic sounds with my hands, and lots more crap. I don't know what could have made her be dizzy or nauseous so quickly. While I am think about that, Willow's phone goes off every ten seconds, I wonder why. But i don't really care about that, right now.
The doctor come over quickly and say 3 things I didn't want to hear. "Miss. Lawrence, your daughter had a minor fracture in the skull, which hit her brain and started bleeding. We managed to do surgery on skull, stop the bleeding, but she is in a coma. Her head hit so hard on whatever it did. What happen exactly?"
"Willow sent her to my set trailer. And Willow went to get a snack. I ended up holding her up, so she didn't go back as quickly as she would if we hadn't started fighting. She left, I went to film. She came running back with Taylor in that condition. Taylor must have gotten dizzy really quickly and passed out." I explain.
"Does she have any health issues?"
"Yeah, uh, mild ADHD, and Ménière's disease," I say.
"Oh ok, it the Ménière's disease. She just have gotten dizzy or nauseous and past out very, very quickly. "
"Alright, so do you know when she will wake up?"
"No not yet m'am. But you can see her now. Room 247." He says and walks away.
"Let's go guys," I say and grab the stuff I brought in. We all grab our stuff and head to room 247.
I walk in first and there she is. Tiny compared to the hospital bed. She doesn't smile, wake up and greet us. She stays in the exact same state she was in earlier, stone emotion, eyes closed, and maybe she can't hear up if she is having an attack. My poor baby. What am I gonna do. Willow phone keeps going off every where we go. Liam tries to comfort me by now I am in the chair sobbing. Taylor shouldn't have this stupid disease happen to her. She lays there in a child size gown, covered in light blankets, that she can't feel. And we are suppose to go overseas next week. Why? The doctor comes back, but I can't speak, Liam does.
"Do you have an idea when she will wake up?" Liam asks.
"Probably in the next month or year or so," he replied.
A month till I see her smile, a month till I hear her voice, a month till I can comfort her when the Paps find us, a month till I can see her bounding around the apartment or  house. Or it's gonna be worst a year. What are I gonna do with a month or year alone. I can't even survive a month alone, I need someone to stay with me. My brother, Josh, Liam, Willow, I don't know. Wait my brothers wedding is in March, and we might not be there to see my new sister-in-law or niece. Oh no. I just start praying like my parents taught me in a moment of crisis.

Willow's POV
I watch everyone one react to this new information, Jen prays, Liam prays, Francis gets on his phone, Sam prays, Juliana prays, Phillip prays and Liz and I start praying with them. We all finish but Jen, she keeps going.
My phone goes off like crazy. So I start reading what they say. Most are fans but a couple catch my eye. @taylorswift13 , @AnnaKendrick47 and @jhutch. Josh, Anna Kendrick, and Taylor swift. What? They all sent their prayer and stuff like that. Also the old/new cast and Jen's friends send their prayers.
Taylor Swift's POV
I was on Twitter and I get the notification about Taylor on @WillowSheilds
I know I ain't in a trouble or in need of prayers. I go and look around on her page. This is this adorable little girl, in a few pictures. I don't really know who exactly, I search her name on Google, there is Taylor swift, Taylor Lautner and Taylor Lawrence, are the first few listed. It definitely isn't me or him. So I click on the third on. She is Jennifer Lawrence's adopted daughter. Jennifer is amazing, funny, beautiful, wise and talented. And so much more. Her daughter is adorable. She's is 2, and according to Willow her favorite song is one of mine. "Never grow up"
Oh my god, what happen to her? I follow Willow and send her a quick message. Then I text Selena.
Anna Kendrick's POV
Me being me, got bored and went on Twitter. I read fan stuff, celebrity stuff, and more shit.
It's really boring. So I look at random famous people's twitters. Half of them are filled with stuff about a little girl named Taylor who is now in a coma due to Ménière's disease. Aww, poor girl. I sent a message to Willow shields, then go stalk who this girl is. Jennifer Lawrence's daughter, Jennifer freaking Lawrence. Wow didn't expect that. That's why so many people care and are talking about it.
Jen's POV
I stay the night. And the next morning leave to go to set, come back at lunch, eat cafeteria food, go back to work, and then go back to the hospital. This happens for a 2 weeks. Francis says I just go to Germany or we will never get Mockingjay done. My parents are coming to stay in Atlanta, or my brother's families are. I can come back in weekends or so. This has got the be the worst times.

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