52: Logie-bear

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(Title makes sense later and picture is Taylor's Bear bear thing)

Taylor's POV
Mommy dropped me off at this guy that Isabelle and Madison go to everyday. I don't know why I didn't go to David today, I mean I usually do. Mommy said I am going to school and this is my teacher. Yay, not really. Andy is my teacher, about Josh's hi eight, light brown hair and haze eyes. He said we have to pick up another student, so I follow him through a series of rooms. We get to the last one, I see a boy my age, brown hair, big brown eyes, it's can only be the one person I know who looks like that, Logan. I instantly run over and give him a giant bear hug.
"Hi Taylor!" He exclaims.
"Hi Logan," I say back. We continue talking like we have know each other for years, when in reality we only met once on a plane, Andy comes over.
"How do you guys already know each other?" He says, Logan and I look at each other, smirking. Logan turns back, breaking our eyes contact.
"We met on a plane when we were younger," he simply states. I nod.
"Ok, well let's go, I told you mom I picked you up," he says before turning around and leading us to a classroom, I guess. It's has desks, computers, white boards, toys, coloring stuff, paper, pencils, pens, and much much more.
"Ok let's start with the alphabet, Logan you will lead it's Taylor's first day," he says.
We sing ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ over and over till I have memorized it. Then we color, and learn each color, finally we play with some "educational toys" is what Andy calls them. I call them fun. To end the day we do a website game with Andy monitoring us, on a website Andy calls ABCmouse. It was really fun and I get to see Logan everyday. I need a nickname for him. He calls me Tay. I could call him, Lo or Log. No, that doesn't work. How about Logie-Bear (credit shaytards). Andy and I drop Logan of first because he needs to get Isabelle and Madison after me. I think I will ask Logan about his mickm a,e next time I see home, tomorrow?

Mommy finishes filming, and we go to the apartment. I tell her all about my day, everything, from Logan to the snack I ate before we left. She laughs and smiles as I tell her. The she tells me we have to get ready for a cast party at 7:00 pm, we have a hour.
I race ahead and press the elevator buttons. Mommy helps me find 15 our floor number. I can't read, yet. Maybe at school I will learn. That would be fun. She opens the door and goes to change. I go to my room, just lay on the ground thinking. I get up I notice how empty the apartment is, isn't there suppose to be someone else with us. I thought we have a, a, a pet. Wait we did, where is Chaz-Bono. I didn't remember this until now cause, A I didn't think that much of it and B I didn't have my memory. I will ask mommy when she is. I walk to her room where she is putting on her boots.
"Hi," she looks over at me when she notices I am there, I walk closer to her. She continues to put on her boots.
"Hey what you need?" She asks.
"I have a question, where's Chaz-Bono?" I say innocently. She stops like as if time stopped.
"Uh, um, uh, um, she's dead and lives in heaven now, she died when you were in a coma," she says as she zips up the sides of her boots.
"How did she die?" I ask looking down.
"She got very very sick with cancer. I'm sorry, baby. But we had to put her down, she couldn't survive and I didn't want her to suffer anymore," mommy stands up and kisses me on the forehead. Then draws me close to her, holding me for comfort. I feel like crying but I don't. I just stay in the protection of her arms. Once I feel safe, I crawl out and we both go to my room. She picks out a brown sundress with white flowers on the bottom. She helps me change into that and some white sandals. Then brushes my hair in to pigtails, securing them with soft brown hair ties. Once I am ready we pack a bag with pajamas, extra underwear, a pull-up, my blankie, and my bear bear. I've stop caring around my other stuff animals, they live on my bed for night-night time. Mommy gets her purse, I put on my backpack, grab a purple sippy cup with a blue lid. We walk out the door, after we lock it, to the elevators. Then get in the car to go wherever the party is. We have to black the windows out, so the paparazzi don't take pictures of us.
Qc: What was your comfort object when you where younger?
Mine was a Bear bear like thing. It was a pink blanket with a white cross, that had a white bear angel thing attached to the top. Also I had a build-a-bear panda bear which is what my parents/older brothers gave me when I was adopted.

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