7: Explaining

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Jen's POV

"Taylor, you remember our doctor visit today?" I ask looking down at her small frame.

"Yeawh, I nowt sicky," she smiles.

"Yes, that's correct. You actually have ADHD," I say, she just gives me a straight face.

"Otay," she agrees for only a reason only God knows.

"Do you know what ADHD is?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "It's your brain and it causes you to have a little attention span and bounce off the walls," I tell her, but it seems as if I'm trying to convince myself that it's okay, more that explain it to her.

"Otay," She smiles.

"You need to take some medicine," I tell her grabbing her attention.

"But I nowt sicky," she says in her adorable baby voice.

"Yes you aren't sick but you still need medicine," I tell her.

"K," she answers shortly.

"Hey, Taylor? I've got to go to work soon, so you're gonna have to come with me. We're gonna live in a new place for a while," I tell her.

"Where?" she asks confused.

"Hawaii and Atlanta," I tell her as if she fully understands. She doesn't but I'm a lonely person.

"Yeawh!" she agrees.

"Okay, we leave in a few days," I smile at her as she returns to coloring her menu.

After a great dinner and cheesecake, I try my best smuggling her through the waiting paparazzi outside the restaurant. On the silent drive home, she falls asleep while we're in traffic.

I thank the driver and security team before getting out and hauling Taylor's car seat with me. It felt like a middle school carpool where that one person who takes forever to get out of the car and you just really wanna go home and take a nap. I sadly was that person.

Walking inside and dropping everything, I lock it behind me before going upstairs. I change Taylor into her pajamas and a clean diaper. Then I carefully lie her in her crib and kiss her goodnight before cracking her door.


The next morning I wake up at a normal time, but Taylor isn't crying. I quickly run down the hall to her room in panic in case something happened. Nothing did, she was busy playing with her two favorite stuffed animals, a giraffe, and a white teddy bear.

"Good morning Taylor," I say gaining her attention.

"Night-night," she says laying down.

"No, time to get up now," I tell her.

"No! Itw's night-night," she says pretending to close her eyes. I reach a hand on her stomach and tickle her. She instantly reacts, rolling over to look at me while giggling.

"See it's time to get up," I smile at her.

"Okay," she says standing herself up. I lift her out of the crib and carry her downstairs for breakfast.

We have to pack for the next few months. It needs to be light but sufficient enough to last the time. We spend most of the day packkng, considering we're leaving in two days. I'm not very good with time management.

For some reason, we apparently have to bring every stuffed animal Taylor owns. There's like twenty, we've had a lot of visits to the mall and people keep giving her gifts. It's either essentials or all the stuffed animals. She puts them in, I take them out, it turns into a game. She tries to retrieve an animal to add to the "to go pile" while I try to put the actual stuff that's needed in the suitcase.

Once I find everything she needs, I quickly zip up the bag while she looks through the basket of stuffed animals. I don't think she even noticed me when I quickly put the suit case on my bed so she'd stop trying to pack it. But considering I gave her a different, old one to continue packing, she seemed pretty content with it.

I went to my room and packed in about thirty minutes where it took me two hours to pack up her stuff.

"Herwe you neewd thwis one," Taylor runs in trying to stuff a large lion in my suitcase.

"Nope, no I don't," I say setting it on the ground next to the suitcase. I zip it up before setting it on my bed next to the other one. Taylor breaks into a wailing, crying noise and I know it's because I rejected her packing skills.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I say lifting her into my arms and trying to comfort her. She continues crying louder than before.

"Taylor, Taylor," I say trying to get her to focus.

"I-i," she says through short breaths.

"Shh, shh, it's alright. Let's go to your room, that's the suitcase for all these animals," I tell her while traveling down the hall.

"B-Buwt y-you neewd him," she hiccups.

"No I think you need him more hun," I say wiping her tears off her cheek.

"Weally?" She looks up at me than down at the suitcase half filled with stuffed animals.

"Yup," I answer  watching her think between where to put the lion.

"Otay but tomworrow he cawn go wif you," she says as I set her down.

"Alright," I say knowing she'll forget about it by then.

That night we just cuddle up and watch "The Lion King." Taylor fell asleep after Timone and Pumba makes their first appearance. I watch the end of the movie, turn it off and bring Taylor to bed with me if we snuggle then there is no way she will fall off the bed.

I tuck her in one side before going to the other side and climbing in myself. Carefully wrapping my arms around her, I move her to the middle of the bed. About ten minutes later we both fall into a peaceful sleep.


I don't know how it keeps happening; I am getting more than five people seeing this story, that are also occasionally voting and commenting. It just amazes me, thanks to you so much. Any suggestions? Please continue giving me feedback by commenting or voting. Thank you again.

Edited: 12-10-16

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