13: Family

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3 Months later

Taylor's POV

We go home today. We're going high, high, high on an airplane. Mommy said when we get home that we're gonna have a party. Also, I get to sleep in my own bed and I get to play with my own toys. There aren't many toys at this house, but there's a lot of sand.  

"Taylor, we're leaving," Mommy yells. I jump off the bed and run downstairs. Jena buckles me in the backseat before everyone crowds into the car. 

We climb out of the car quickly and hurry through the airport. I had to wear a coat, hat, and sunglasses, so the paparazzi wouldn't take my picture. We wait at the private gate before getting welcomed on the plane. 

The plane ride was extremely long and boring. It took forever in my mind. We landed in Los Angeles and again hurried out. This time we walk to Mommy's waiting car. Josh joined me in the back while Liam rode in the front. 

I guess I fell asleep again because when I woke up both of the boys were gone and we were pulling into our driveway. Mommy's carefully unloads the car before coming to get me. We take off our shoes at the front door, I notice a lot more shoes than when we left. Then again, it's been a long time since we were here. 

When we walk into the kitchen, I reach out for her upon noticing the multiple new faces standing in front of me. Mommy luckily lifts me off the ground before saying hi to everyone. 

"So, this it Taylor. Taylor this is our family," she says. I look around to see that most of the people were pretty old, except one. 

"Hi, Taylor. I'm Uncle Blaine," someone says happily. 

"Hi," I say softly, "What's an uncwle?" I whisper into her ear. 

"An uncle is your parent's brother. So my brothers are your uncles," She whispers back.

"Oh," I say quietly.

"How about you meet the rest of the family," Mommy says softly in my ear.

"Otay," I say as we follow everyone into the family room. 

After everyone takes a seat somewhere, a man with gray hair speaks up first, "Hi, Taylor, you can call me Papa. I am your Mommy's dad."

"I'm Grandma. I am your Mommy's mom," says a lady with mid-length blonde hair.

"I am Uncle Ben. I am your Mom's other brother," says a man with brown hair and a beard.

"I am Aunt Carly. I'm Uncle Ben's wife," says the long blonde haired woman with a small child on her lap. "And this is Cody," she says introducing him.

"So, it's Uncle Blaine, Uncle Ben, Aunt Carly, Cody, Grandma, and Grandpa," Mommy explains once more, I nod at her before she suggests, "Ok, now how about we go eat."

"You and food," Carly laughs. We all head towards the kitchen table where the table was nicely set with a wonderful smelling meal. Everyone visits with each other and talks forever. I stay mainly quiet but I'm tired after the long plane ride. 

We eventually move back to the family room, I sit on mommy's lap and play with her hair. I'm guessing I also fell asleep again. When I woke up next, I was in my pajamas and in my crib all tucked in.  

I regret to inform you but bliss time will come to an end soon. So look forward to seeing how this little tiny family deals with it. Please comment and vote. Any suggestions or questions. Thanks for the reads and previous comments and votes.

Edited: 16-21-16

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