64: A Taylor Day

471 16 12

I'm dedicating in order. KimBerly624 thanks for all your votes, I love getting that notification. It feels amazing, and you know the book very well. Thanks a million. Here's to you, 🍻, btw I can't drink that just means cheers not drink.

Taylor swift's POV
So today's the 23nd. So I have little Tay coming at 12:00. I think Jen needs a little break, I mean I know about that long year but I mean a day to herself where she doesn't have to worry about Taylor. Tonight I'm making Spaghetti because it's Taylor's favorite. I have a small mattress that I laid on the ground cover in blankets for her to sleep on. I'm pretty sure she doesn't take naps anymore. I don't know. I haven't watch any kid with out their parent for a long time.
This is gonna be fun. Now I need to go get dressed because it's like 11 and I have been spending time watching Friends.
Jen's POV
Tonight I'm taking Taylor to her first sleepover. I'm sending her to Taylor's because I have lots of meeting early tomorrow. Which will be a blast, yay, not.
"Taylor let's get you packed and dressed," I yell at my little 4 year old who is playing with the dog.
"Oktay," she says. Now instead of "K," she says "Oktay."
"You want to get her your blanket and Bear, I'll pack you clothes," I said and she went back down stairs. I put 2 pull-ups, a pair of pajamas, clothes for tomorrow, an extra pair of clothes, a swimsuit, just in case, 2 sippy cups, and boots with a extra jacket. I also threw in a bag of her medicine, but I put that aside to put in my purse to give her separate. In her backpack, when she came back we put in her special water bottle, blankie, I washed it and is came out the same as before she barfed on it, bear-bear, and coat,
I got us both showered and dressed in 30 minutes. I did Taylor's hair in a high ponytail, mine in a bun. We brushed out teeth, I put on light makeup. I packed up Taylor's toothbrush, hair brush, and toothpaste in a bag.
We head downstairs and get out shoes on and jackets. I carry Taylor's big bag out and she has the backpack.
I help Taylor strap herself in, then I get in the front, set my purse in the passenger seat, and type in to Google maps Taylor's address(Swift).
We arrive at her house right on time. She comes out and greets us.
"Hey Jen, hi Taylor," she says.
"Hey Ta-Ally," I say.
"Ally!" Taylor says and jumps in to her arms.
"Hey buddy your ready to spend the day with me," Taylor(S) said.
"Yeah!" Taylor yelled(L).
"Ok, well let's go inside," Taylor(S) said leading the way.
"Yay!" Taylor(L) said and ran to the door ahead of both of us.
"Sorry, she's really wound up," I said.
"It's fine," she said.
We walked up to the door and stepped inside this beautiful house. It was creatively decorated and nothing was the same but everything was organized.
"Wow I love your house," I said.
"Thanks," she replied. Taylor(L) ran over and got up on the couch. Taylor(S) left in set the bags in another room. I gave Taylor(L) a disapproving look. She smiles.
"Taylor! Stop bouncing," I say sternly.
"No thanks," she says.
"Yes thanks now get down, you are going to fall," I say.
"No," she says.
"Yeah," I say and walk over to help and grab her mid jump.
"Hey!" She yells and right in my right ear.
"What," I say in a normal voice.
"I want to jump," she says. Taylor(S) comes back in the room right as she says this.
"Oh you can go outside on the tramp," Taylor(S) says and points to the back door.
"Ok," Taylor(L) says and I put her down.
"Taylor what do say to Ally?" I say.
"Thank you," she say, we are trying to learn manners.
"Your welcome, I'll be out after I talk to your mom," Taylor(S) says.
"Sorry, I don't know. But here is her medicine," I say holding up a full quart size bag.
"Oh thanks, so how much should I give her?" Taylor says leading me around, I honestly don't know where we are going. We end up in the kitchen.
"Um," I take out the different bottles, "I usually give her one cup of ADHD, um, half a cup of this but you don't need to give her this, I gave it to her before we left and she only needs it once a week," I said pointing to the medicine that I give her once a week to help prevent the amount of episodes Taylor has. Every medicine bottle has a special cup attached that is specially measured.
"What about this? and how do you give it to her?" Taylor(S) said and pointed to the medicine for when she has an episode.
"That's for if she has an episode. I usually mix the medicine with some water, milk, juice in the morning. Oh and she hates orange juice and oranges. Also at night if she won't sleep, fill a sippy cup with warm milk," I say spitballing information at her.
"Ok, I got it, warm milk at night, medicine in the morning, and no oranges. What time does she go to bed?" Taylor(S) says.
"Um around 7-8:00 ish. Between that hour, oh and I just remembered that she will only fall asleep if the song Never Grow Up is playing," I say averaging the time when I'm not working.
"Ok, have fun, I'll call you later tonight," Taylor says.
"Thank you," I say.
"Your welcome, hold on," Taylor(S) says opening the door then shuts it. She walks to the back door I presume and yells, "Tay your moms leaving!" Out the door.
"Wait mommy wait!," Taylor(L) shouts getting off the tramp. She comes running over with shoes in hand and socks getting wet.
"Bye baby girl, I love you, be good for Ally, ok?" I whisper in her ear, when I pick her up, give her a hug and kiss her goodbye.
"Ok, I will Mommy, I promise. I love you!" She say when we pull away. I pass her to Taylor(S).
"Bye, thanks again," I say and hug her.
"Your welcome, have fun, we love you," Taylor(S) says opening the door.
"I love you guys, be good Taylor, goodbye," I say and leave. I get in the car and drive to pick up some friends at the Airport. Amy and her other friend she brought as a surprise.
Taylor's POV
Mommy left to go somewhere, I'm with Ally. We made cookies, played on the trampoline, I met 2 kitty cats like Chaz-Bono. That made me cry but Ally made me feel better.
I'm backstage at some place, I can hear the screams from the crowds. It's scares me, I really want to be wrapped in my Mommy's arm but she isn't her now. I need to be strong. I am currently sitting in Ally's Lap.
"Taylor you want to go to bed, it's gonna be late when I come back, I will be back in 2 hours, I have a show to play. There is a sippy cup on the table. I'll get you settled before I leave. Come'n lets get you ready," Ally says standing up and taking me with her. We walk over to my bag and she has me change in to my pajamas and pull-up. I am almost fully potty-trained. I don't do so well at night, though. She makes me a nest of fuzzy blankets. I climb in the blanket pile with my bear-bear and blankie. I cuddle up in them. Ally hands me a warm sippy cup of milk.
Then starts singing, I instantly recognize the song. I drink all the milk, and my eyes feel droopy. Ally lays me down and I must fall asleep to her singing.
Taylor's POV
Everything Jen said worked, which was great I got Taylor asleep before the concert and after the concert when we got home. For the special song tonight I sang, Never Grow Up, ever though it makes me cry because of the memories of that moment, I sang it for Taylor.
All I can say is thanks. I don't know what else to say, we have almost 5K reads and 385 votes. Mind blown!
QC: I have 2 people who want a sequel. Anyone else? Comment with a yes if you do.

What song can make you cry?
What hurts the most
Rascal Flatts
Taylor Swift

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