6: Paparazzi Problem & Doctors

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Jen's POV

It's march now, about a month after the sweet bundle of joy showed up on my doorstep. I love having her around, she's amazing. And I'm not longer the weird person talking to herself in an empty house.

The only problem is the paparazzi. They follow us like a herd of lost deer. Each time we go out the herd grows bigger and bigger. Each time I'm out with her she freezes up if she's walking alongside me so I have to carry her everywhere we go except in the house. We stay in the house a lot.

I know that soon I'll be filming Catching Fire soon and I think I'll just take her with me because I don't want to leave her with my parents or anyone. Plus the cast loves her so it'll be easy.

I have noticed her being very up and always moving. She's the one who's always running around the house and jumping about. I also noticed that she has barely any attention span. She moves around to each activity in like five minutes. Today we're going to the doctors to get her tested and a check up.

I lift out a half-asleep Taylor up out of the highchair and quickly go upstairs. I change her diaper before pulling a pink shirt over her head and help her pull on a pair of jean shorts and brown sandals. I change into black capris and a green top with my hair combed out.

I strap her into the car seat before starting the car and leaving the house. The appointment is at six am, it's really early for us both. We don't normally get up before eight.

Parking and locking the car after getting out, I hurry in just in time for the appointment. About thirty minutes later and a few scans and tests, the doctor pulls me out in the hall.

"After the CT scan and the MRI scan, since nothing unusual showed up, Taylor clearly has ADHD," he says slowly.

"Oh okay, so that's like hyperactive and stuff right?" I ask.

"Close, it's a bit more but it's treatable not fixable, so she's gonna need meds or therapy," he says.

"Okay, so like the meds do what?" I ask.

"They help her focus and stable her mood and activity," he answers.

"Okay, do you mind telling me how I can get more information on this?" I ask.

"No, I'll get you the folder we give patients who are diagnosed, I'll be back," he says disappears into his office.

"Okay, Jen. It's not a big deal. I mean if I keep this on the down low and no one but the family knows. Everything should be fine. She's like two so it's normal for her too, I think. I don't know I haven't had to watch Bear in a while," I think before the doctor returns.

"Ms. Lawrence, here's the information, and my card. Just call me what you have chosen what treatment path you wanna take," he says.

"Okay, are we all good to go?" I ask.

"Yes, we'll be in touch, soon," he says.

I go inside the small room and change Taylor back into her original clothes.

"Momma? I sicky?" she asks in her tiny voice.

"No, baby you're perfectly healthy," I say wrapping my jacket around her.

"Y I get showts?" She asks.

"Because they'll make you healthier," I answer, honestly I think it was probably booster shots and I have no idea what they do.

"Oh," she answers.

I lift her on my shoulder and we head out to the car through the back door. It's about ten now. Four hours is a long time to spend at the doctors. On the way home, we make a quick stop for groceries. We ran in to our best friends, the paprazzi. That wasn't a pleasant trip.

When we finally got home, I jumped out after parking the car in the garage. I opened the door behind mine to find a half asleep Taylor. Carefully unbuckling her and lifting her out before going into the house.

I set her on the wooden floor and she comes alive with happiness. I watch her run to her toys before grabbing the information packet, my purse, and groceries from the car.

I sit on the couch and starting going through the information. "ADHD afftects both children and adults. It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work. Symptoms include limited attention and hyperactivity. Treatments include medication and talk therapy." There was a lot more information but I skimed over most of it.

Now that I think about it. I think meds would be better considering my work schedule. I need to travel freely with her, so meds would give her easier access. I look up at the little girl who was making train noises with a car, how innocence minded and how precious she is.

I get my phone from my purse and call the doctor to prescribe medication. He agreed with my reasons and he said they should be here by tonight or tomorrow.

"Taylor you wanna go to dinner tonight?" I ask barely getting her attention. She doesn't look up from her train car. I go and joing her on the floor. We play car crash where we just have car's run into each other. I love hearing her little laugh after the cars colide. I know it sounds terrible but she thinks it hilarious. We continue playing most of the day just sitting in the family room with all the toys. Around one, I'm able to get her down for a two hour nap before it's back to playing.

That night, I got dressed in nicer clothes than earlier this morning. I called security and made sure everything ready. I stuffed my purse like a diaper bag and I changed taylor into white tights, navy blue and red dress with a navy blue matching head band.

After getting dropped off at the restraunt, I make my way to the back of the restraunt and take a seat at a reserved table. The waitress comes by and takes our order before I have the courage and words to explain to my one-year-old what's gonna happen in the next few weeks. She's a trooper so it shouldn't be too hard.

Any suggestions? Thank you so much, everyone who is voting and commenting, please continue to do so. Thank you a million. Btw: For those of you who don't know who the pictures of "Taylor" are of it is Emmi Butler or Babytard. She is part of the Shaytards on YouTube.

Edited: 12-3-16

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