10: On Set

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Willow's POV

I wake up to an alarm but it wasn't mine. I wander through the quiet house until I hear it's Josh's alarm. I quietly crack open his door to see him fast asleep. I take a few silent steps towards his phone. After pressing it off, I shake Josh awake before sneaking upstairs again to hear Liam's alarm. He actually got up. Jen on the other hand just yelled at hers.

Laughing, I picked out a pair of white wash jeans, white sweater, and boots before wandering into the bathroom connected to my room.  I showered and headed downstairs to help make everyone breakfast. There wasn't much food so I set out multiple bowls of cereal.  

Eventually, I heard a few pairs of feet come crashing down the stairs. Both Josh and Liam mumbled their thank yous before digging in. Jen came down about thirty minutes later with Taylor half asleep on her shoulder.

"Everyone ready," Jen asks.

"Well, duh, why do you think we are sitting here," Josh replies, with a stupid look on his face.

"Shut up," Jen says sarcastically.

"Mommy" Taylor speaks up.

"Yeah, honey," Jen says softly.

"I sleepy" Taylor says as she was rubbing her eyes and clasping her arms around Jen's neck.

"Well honey, you can sleep when we get there, ok" Jen replies while rubbing Taylor's back.

"Otay," Taylor says.

"Alright," Jen kisses the top of her head. 

"There's the car," Liam gets up. 

"Let's go," Josh says grabbing his backpack. We all grab our bags and hurry out to the car. 

Jen straps Taylor into her car seat while Josh and I climb in the back. 


We arrive at the set and go to our trailers before going to hair and makeup. I watch Jen take Taylor to meet Francis and hurry to drop her stuff off in her trailer. I walk inside the hair and makeup trailer to see Liz already getting dolled up as Effie. I take my seat before they get to work. We're starting the whipping scene today. We have some of the movie already shot from last fall so it's not going to be long until I'm done filming for Catching Fire. 

I finish dressed in simple clothes and a braid. I talk to Francis and catch up with the rest of the cast. Woody, Liam, and Josh are the first to get out. We decide to play a little trick on Jen, just to start this portion of filming off right. 

Josh and I take Taylor to my trailer and Liam and Woody try to convince Jen that Taylor's been kidnapped. 

Taylor puts her arms out for me when Josh tries to pick her up. After supporting her butt with my arm, she instantly snuggles into me. 

"That's cute," Josh says.

"Yeah, she definitely likes me more than you," I laugh walking through the door, which Josh nicely held open for me. 

"How long do you think it'll take?"Josh asks. 

"Ten minutes," I bet.

"Really I was gonna say at least fifteen," he smiles. 

"She's not that dumb," I tell him. 

"You'd be surprised," He laughs. 

All of the sudden we hear a loud yell, "Joshua Ryan Hutcherson," coming from no other than Jen. 

"Oh crap," He jumps up running out the door. 

"Uh oh," Taylor comments. 

"Yup, uh oh is right," I tell her. 

"Hey, Willow?" Jen knocks on the door.

"Come in," I answer.

"Taylor in here?" she asks. 

"Yeah, She's here," I tell her. 

"Thank god, the boys are the meanest people in the world," she complains. 

"They try to prank you?" I ask.

"Yeah, terrible people," she answers, "Hey, Willow?"

"Yeah," I answer.  

"Do you mind watching her today?" Jen said.

"Yeah sure," I tell her.

"Hi, Momma," Taylor pronounces. 

I took Taylor took watch Jen during a few scenes throughout the day. When I would look at Taylor she was just entranced by Jen. It's amazing to see how she looks at her mom. Jen looks at Taylor like she is her whole world. We spend most of the day in mine or Jen's trailer or playing hide N seek with Josh since he was only at the end of this scene. 

After the day was done, we loaded back in the car tired and hungry, or at least Jen was hungry. She told us multiple times how hungry she was. We all took a nap before ordering Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. 


Thanks for the multiple reads, please continue reading. There is many more ups and downs in little Taylor's life. Please vote and comment. Suggestions are also accepted. Thank you!

Edited: 12-15-16

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