44: Meet the cast again?

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I added a cast.
Taylor's POV
I don't know what day it is but I do know I am "meeting to cast" again. We have tried everything to get help me. We are only a week thru before another doctor visit, which I hate. They are very easy to hate. Either way, we are meeting them in the park, where I apparently had a birthday party. I have shoes on and am dressed, guess who I am waiting on the lady. I think her name was Jen. I forgot what I am supposed to call her again but it'll come.
"Let's go!" The lady yelled.
"K" I said and ran towards the door. She handed me a light jacket and helped me put it on. It was of course purple. I think that was my favorite color.
Then she picked me up and took us to the car. She opened the back and buckled me in a car seat.
"We have to pick up some people before we get to the park," she says getting in the seat in front of me.
"Who," I ask.
"Well, Willow, Sam, Laura Sam's wife, and Amandla. The rest can drive themselves or are carpooling with someone else," she says pulling out of the driveway and shutting the garage.
"K," I say staring out the window.
"You ready to see these people again?" She asks.
"I no know, maybe," I say.
"Ok," she says laughing a little. Why is she laughing?
"Who first?" I ask.
"Guess," she says.
"No we aren't even picking him up,"
"Wait what, you haven't even seen him since you woke up. How do you know?"
"I no know maybe I remember now,"
"Ok that's good you are getting better, and we are starting with Amandla," she says pulling in to a parking lot.
"K" I say. She parks.
"Ready? Let's go get her she's in the lobby," she say then gets out.
"K," I say then she opens my door. I can't get out without her help so I am stuck.
"Ok here's the deal, they know we are here. So your choice pretend sleep or walk or me just carry you," she says unbuckling me.
"Slweep," I say laying my head down on her shoulder.
"Not yet dude. I got to fix the car first," she says and I lift my head to see her face. I smile and she smiles back.
"K" I hop down on the car aisle and walk around. She climbs in after me and moves the seats so she can put the ones in the back up.
"Done?" I ask.
"Yup, let me out first," she says moving towards the door.
"K" I say and move out of the way.
"Now let's go get Amandla," she say holding her arms out for me. I glad jump in to them, surprising her.
"Whoa," she says catching me, "warn me next time, please."
"K," I say and lay my head down. I don't really feel like sleeping, so I just lay me head there. Here they come. People I don't know with big flashing lights, yelling at someone named Jennifer or Miss. Lawrence.
"You ok?" She asks when we get inside.
"Yeah, but carry me," I say snuggling in to her arms.
"Ok," she says and holds me tighter. We get inside and walk towards this girl with black hair and dark skin. She's smiling and looking at us, I think.
"Hello," she says in a sweet and soft voice.
"Hello," the lady says in a sweet and happy voice.
"How's Taylor?" She asks.
"Better, but she doesn't remember people," the lady, wait I think it's Mommy.
"Aww really," She says.
"Yeah, it's been hard Amandla," mommy almost spills tears but holds them back.
"We'll get it back," Amandla states strongly.
"K," I speak up.
"Alright, we have to pick up some more people so let's go," Mommy says turning around toward the door and Amandla slips on a black coat.  We walk out and here come the monsters with flashes. I lay my head down and snuggle in to Mommy. We get to the car and Amandla hops in the front next to mommy.
We pick up the rest unseen except for Sam and Laura, they were at a hotel.
We make it to the park a little early, once I am let out I sprint towards the swings, with the others close behind. I get to the swings and try to get on one. Doesn't work. Mommy comes and sets me in a swing that I can't fall out of. Then she sits down in the swing to my right, I think. I don't honestly know. Sam come and plops down in one, along with Willow, Amandla, Liam, Josh, the rest can't because there aren't enough swings. Laura pushes me in the swing, I get to go high. They go to the play-set. We are going to be here till we go home so a long time. This is what the others call "The Hunger Games Family Forever," I don't get it. Who's who family? But whatever. We are at a park and its only 1:00pm.

After the swings we play groundies on the play set. People try to pick me up but I scream at them that teaches them no to mess with me. I don't like new people. Or many people. We play and play. I play on the slide, monkey bars, swings, rock-climb, and everything that I can possibly reach or climb on. After playing for a while we all trudge back to the picnic tables for dinner. Today's been great. I am starving.

I eat a hot dog and half a hamburger. At dinner we play the name game. It's mainly for me. It goes to the right, Mommy, Josh, Liam, Willow, Amandla, Isabelle, Jacqueline, Leven, Alexander, Dayo, Jack, Sam, Laura, Jena, Jeffery, Woody, Liz, Lenny or Mr. Kravtiz, Julianne, Francis, and some people who I just met and already forgot their names.

Dinner finishes and we can't eat desert, yet. Unfair, right? Yeah. It's still light out so we all play tag, and Josh is it. I run and run and run until I run in to someone. I was running so fast and far, no one notices me falling on my feet. A voice speaks that is familiar not by the people I recently met again but before my accident.
Who do you think it is?

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