43: Willow/Prim

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Jen's POV
I want Taylor to remember so badly. But she can't and I can't make her. It makes me so angry. We got back yesterday. Right now we are just laying around in the living room. My phone starts buzzing and I jump up to get it. It's Josh. He's still in Kentucky. I answer it and ask him if we can FaceTime.
Jen: Hello
Josh: Hellrow
Jen: what's up?
Josh: nothing, how's Taylor?
Jen: Same as you saw her, clueless.
Josh: oh. When I get back, we can have a party with the cast, if they aren't busy.
Jen: when do you get back?
Josh: uh, two days. So I think that's Friday.
Jen: ok. Want to talk to Taylor?
Josh: sure.
Jen: Taylor, come here.
*Taylor comes to the couch, Jen is sitting up against*
Taylor: Hi!
Jen: hello
Taylor: Peeta!
Josh: *confused look on face*
Jen: *starts Laughing*
Josh: *joins Jen*
Jen: He... Is....Josh. You used to call him Joshy.
Taylor: Joshy?
Josh: Yeah, Taylor.
Taylor: who?
Josh: you!
Taylor: oh yeah. Who Katniss?
Jen: Me, I pretend to be Katniss for that movie. Me and Josh are actors. He acts like he is Peeta, he truly is, but he acts for the movie. I act like Katniss, me and Katniss are competent different.
Taylor: Oh, Willow?
Josh: what?
Jen: what did you say?
Taylor: Willow, who?
Jen: Willow pretends to be Prim. Willow was your best buddy, you loved her. It was me, Willow or uncle Ben were the only people you trusted.
Josh: what about me, Jen?
Jen: she didn't really trust you.
Taylor: really
Jen: yeah
Josh: *scoffs*
Jen: it's true. Speaking of Willow, is she back in LA or Nevada?
Josh: Nevada, I think she will be back soon, though.
Taylor: yay, maybe what would helwp
Jen: yeah
End of conversation
Josh and I talked for a little longer, while Taylor wondered off. I will have to find her later, she still can't open doors so that's a clue.
We finish talking, he's coming to LA soon. I get up and plug my phone in, in the kitchen. I go look for Taylor next. I look in her normal places, finding her in her room, which happens to be the last place I looked. I walk in and she has all the toys out, like everywhere. I can't get mad at her, so I just join in playing.
Dinnertime comes around.
"What do you want for dinner?"
"I no know," she says as we are picking up.
"Do you want to eat at the house, or somewhere else?" I ask throwing some stuff animal in the box.
"Somewhere," Taylor says.
"Ok, let's go get some chipotle," I say as we put the last bit of toys away.
"K" she says.
I pick her up and bring her to the mud room. I put a coat on her and one on me. I grab 2 pairs of sunglasses, my purse, and my phone. I carry Taylor out to the car in the garage. Open the backseat first and buckle her in the car seat, which reminds me that I need to get a new one, this one is getting a little on the small size. I shut the back door and climb in the front, put my purse in the front seat and start the car. The old Disney CD is in the player, we both silently listen to that. When I look back she is just staring back at me or out the windows.
We make it to chipotle and I grab my purse, sliding in some sunglasses. Once I get Taylor put I hand her some too. I carry her in, just in case, she rests her head on my shoulder just like she used to. Just like she did a year ago.
We walk in and people haven't recognize us yet, and hopefully won't.
I order a chicken burrito, Taylor gets 3 tacos, we get chips, guacamole, and 2 drinks. One juice box and a ICE. I pay, and then it happens. I still have to show her my ID since I currently don't have any cash.
"OMG OMG it's uh Jennifer Lawrence. Come here it's really her," the lady yells.  And it's like a fleet of people come running. Taylor was on her feet at this time, so I scooped her up with one arm/hand.
"Can I please have my Credit Card back?" I ask the lady who's mouth is still wide open.
"Uh, uh yeah, sorry, here you go," she hands it over, I slip it in my purse, which takes talent using one hand. I grab our food, and walk to a table. Taylor can just sit on my lap, I don't want to have to eat dinner with her when her eyes scream she's scared. So whatever. I sit down, put my purse in the chair next to me, Taylor in my lap, and start unpacking the bag. The food smells delicious. We both 
dig in, barely talking, except for the usually how's your food question, answer with good. Some people come and ask for pictures, or autographs, I "happily" sign them, inside I'm really really annoyed. As long as the paparazzi doesn't find us, I won't explode. We finish dinner, and walk out hand in hand, just to be greeted by our "best friends."
"Mommy," Taylor says, I can see the tears in her eyes, "who?" I kneel down to her level.
Giving her a hug I whisper, "we call them the Paparazzi, they take pictures and follow people like me. Just smile or you can do what you used to do. You used to pretend to sleep on my shoulder." We pull out off the hug, I stand up, but she puts her arms out for me to carry her. I lift her off the ground, lock my hands underneath her and she wraps her legs around me. We get to the car, quickly. I put her in the back as fast as possible, then start the car and drive away, careful not to run one of them over.
We get home and she's actually asleep. I take her to her room, carefully take off her shoes, coat, and pants. The pants are jeans and uncomfortable to sleep in, in my opinion. I take her hair out of the ponytail it was in and lay her in the crib. I kiss her on the head, say goodnight.
"I love you Taylor," I say even though she can't hear me.
Pretty soon I will have to potty train her and get her a new bed. But the bed can wait, right now I think potty training needs to happen. I think I was suppose to potty train her when she was two, but that obviously couldn't and didn't happen.
I call Chris, we talk then I head to bed.
Thanks so much the number of read and votes keeps going up. Thanks to those who do vote and read. I also love read your replies to the random questions I ask.
What's your or your friend's (or sibling) nickname, you or they call the other?
I call a friend Brina her real name is Sabrina. I have another friend I call Em or Emi. My family calls me usually by my middle name. And I call my younger sister Lainey instead of McClaine.

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