2: Adopted

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Jen's POV

After deciding to adopt Taylor, I make a mental list of the millions of things I have to do now. I begin with changing her into daytime clothes and strapping her in her car seat. I grab my purse and her diaper bag before leaving the house. 

First stop the courthouse. We pull up next to the front door. I quickly get out and gather Taylor and her things. I spent the next two hours doing paperwork and going through interviews which aren't as  fun as you'd like to think.

After I get the approval for adoption and am allowed to take Taylor home, I head towards Walmart to pick up some emergency essentials for Taylor. I enter the already crowded store heading towards the baby aisle. I place things like clothes, blankets, sippy cups, bibs, toys, plastic plates and cups and silverware, two cribs, a stroller, and a high chair. Last but not least a coffee for me and a juice for Taylor. 

On our way back to the car the paparazzi seem to have no chill at all and no dignity, they completely surround Taylor and me in a tight bubble as I try to make my way safely to the car. Yelling and screaming at us as I try to comfort Taylor while still making my way to the car. I quickly load Taylor in the car before I hurry to load everything in the back. It's been a long time since I've gone out in LA without security. 

I walk in the house to realize it's about time we have some lunch, so after unloading the car I make some quick and easy mac and cheese. After eating and cleaning up, I start trying my best to put together the crib and other furniture. 

After failing multiple times, I finally decide to call Liam. He should be good with tools. I set Taylor in the pop-up crib with some toys before going to the kitchen to call him.

L- Liam J- Jen

J- Hey

L- Hi

J- Could you help me with something?

L- What is it?

J- Can you set up a crib and high chair?

L- What are you going to do with those things, please tell me that it's for your nephew or something and they aren't for you?

J- Well duh, what do you think I am an idiot? Wait, don't answer that. Anyway, when can come over and set them up?

L- Well Josh is staying with me this weekend. And we made plans tonight so we can come over tomorrow.

J- Ok see you then. Bye.

L- Bye, Jen.

•End of conversation•

Jen's POV

After I hang up the phone with Liam, I hear Taylor wailing in her playpen. I walk over to see her grasping up at me. I smile and pick her up, placing her on my hip.  I move a couple of toys out of the crib and take a seat on the floor. 

I pull out a few legos to show Taylor how to build. I ended up just building a house by myself. She has a very small attention span for any of the toys. We continued playing for most of the afternoon.

I glanced at the clock to see it was about six o'clock. I get up and make some ravioli. Turns out it's a big mess. Feeding an eighteen-month-old, bright red sauce with pasta doesn't ever turn out well. 

I carry the little red-faced child to the bath. Then I change her into some warm pajamas and move the crib to my room. 

"Goodnight Taylor," I say.

"Night-night," she says.

"I love you," I smile at her.

"Night-night," she says laying down. I cover her up with a blanket while she cuddles with her baby blanket. 

I go back downstairs and clean up the family room and kitchen before sinking in to the couch and turning on the tv. 

After 3 episodes of Dance Moms, I was really sleepy and tired.  I climbed the stairs and quietly sneak into my room. I change into a pair of short shorts and t-shirt before sliding into the sheets. In a matter of seconds, I was out like a light.


Edited 11-17-16

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