57: The Final Day

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Sorry for changing everything again. 😬

Jen's POV
Today's the day. The day the last 5 years of my life comes to an end. Oh my.
We are in Atlanta to film the Epilogue to The Hunger Games.

Today's different than any other regular day of filming. Andrew and Cody are in the shoot today. I rented a small house for the four of us. There is 2 bedrooms. The boys and the girls.

Slowly and carefully I go to the other side of the bed and shake Taylor awake. She looks up at me and I take her with me back to the kitchen.

I make some eggs simply on the stove. I've gotten way better at cooking now. Well a lot better than I was. We both eat and get changed. I don't really know what I'm wearing today so I get some short Jean shorts and light blue flowing t-shirt. Taylor changes in to a yellow sundress and tennis shoes, which has been more of her style if she picks it out. She will still wear whatever I ask her to wear.

While Taylor finishes eating, I go and wake up Andrew and Cody.
Cody gets himself dressed and ready. I have to get Andrew ready. He is only 9 months old. But he will be useful in filming today.

I get the baby ready. And give him a bottle. I'm actually really surprised Ben let me take Cody and Andrew for a whole weekend. The longest they have let me take care of Cody was a day. That biggest time was the day I auditioned for Silver Linings Playbook. Good day. That movie changed a lot in my life. Back to reality.

"Mommy are we going to go yet?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah where's your cousin?" I asked.

"Cody!" Taylor yelled out.

"Coming!" He said coming in to the living room.

"Alright let's go, get your bags guys," they both grab their backpacks while I carry the baby seat and my bag.

I successfully snap in the baby seat and Taylor gets in her car seat we have to put in the back. Cody gets in the middle.

I put down the middle middle seat and left it down so I could watch Taylor from the front and she could get back there. Her car seat is in the middle middle.

Once we get there, I am the last to park. I can tell all the buzz on set because some of us came back to film while others came back to see us end this thing we have been doing for the last 5 years.

We wrapped in Berlin, last year when Taylor was out. This year is the real final ending to all of this. I remember the first scene Josh and I shot, the bakery one. And the last will be with "our children."

"Hey Jen, how you doing?" Josh asks in a funny accent.

"You sound like Joey from Friends werido," I laugh as I get out.

"I know I ment to, I was testing you on how well you'd remember. Do you need help?" Josh says shutting the door for me.

"Yeah, I've got a full car and some of them can't unbuckle themselves. For example, Taylor gets confused and then frustrated. I'll get the baby and you get the other two, Ok?" I say.

"Yeah, what?" Josh says not listening again.

"Ok, Josh don't just stand there," he says walking up Cody's side of the car.  I get out he baby.

"Aunt Jenny?" Cody asks.

"Yeah?" I say getting the diaper bag I left in here last night so I wouldn't forget it.

"The door is stuck!" Cody says concerned.

I laugh a little in my head, "It has a child lock, Josh will get you out. Taylor Josh is coming to get you out, too," I say before shutting the door.

I take Andrew to Francis and have him watch him while I go to the makeup trailer and learn my lines.
"I have to sing! What! This is s***!" I yell as the hair ladies are doing my hair.
"Jen stop moving," one of them says.
"Sorry," I mutter. I start memorizing the lines, it's the same song I sang to "Rue," and "Prim." (Deep in the Meadow, Under the Willow.....)
I held Andrew as I was seated in the meadow. Cody and Josh were spaced out from me playing together. I did the scene and sang it all the way through. Taylor sat back watched, she didn't mind not being in the movie she just liked to spend time with Josh, and the the rest of us. (The little boy in the film is actually Jen's nephew, Bear. The baby was Jen's other nephew Theodore Lawrence.)
It was a blast except for singing the Meadow song. The funniest part was that every time Andrew went to sleep and we had to wake him up he wouldn't wake up, it took a lot to wake that baby up. That's was terrifying.
After filming we have another party more like picnic. Josh, Taylor, Cody, Andrew and I went back to my house and hung out together alone with the kids. We had a party!
We played games, watch tv, ate food, it was wonderful. We played hide and seek, sardines, what are the odds and more.
After Josh left and we went to bed. Ben and Carly were going to pick up the boys tomorrow. Taylor and I are going to San Diego for comic Con after that we film for another week for Joy.
We have 4.(something)k reads, 😮. It's just so amazing!!!!!!
Who's pumped for Mockingjay Part 2? Who already has their tickets?
I am super pumped but I don't have tickets.

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